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Obviously, I have to make up how Durmstrang functions but bare with me, I'm doing my best to make it fit. It'll be very much how Hogwarts is run but altered slightly to fit the appeal of Durmstrang. Anyway this is way late and I'm exhausted.

Auf Wiedersehen,



I don't know if this is just in my own mind but it seems that all my mornings start with my mom calling for me like she can't do anything on her own. 

"Milena!" She pounds on my door but I just put my pillow over my head.

"Asphyxiate me, please." I grumble.

"This child!" She huffs and that's when I've had enough.

"Child!" I hiss, throwing the door open. "You're the one beating down the door like a five year old that hasn't yet got her way. Now what do you want at this ungodly hour of the morning?"

"It's 5:30." She snips.

"And the sun's not up." I point out. 

"You've got to get ready so we can go get your things."

"Was that all?"

"Listen here; I'm your mother."

"That would be debatable to some. Now I think I've got to get ready." She huffs again, turning on the balls of her feet and storming away.

I can already feel that today isn't going to be the best of days. So I get dressed as fast as I can so I can get it over with. I throw on a pair of jeans, plain shirt, hoodie and trainers before running downstairs to get something to eat.

"Do you have your list?" Mom snips again.

"No I figured maybe I could consume something to sustain me before you try eating my soul." I smile. I collect a bowl, spoon, soy milk and cereal then sit at the table.

"Morning." Sebastian grumbles, shuffling into the kitchen.

"Not the best for you either?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Does she always do this?" He asks in a soft, groggy voice. I nod and he groans.

"The shops don't open for another couple hours." Sebastian complains.

"Seriously!" I snap. Mom glares at me. "I'm going for a run."

"No you're not." Mom stands in front of me.

"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"You're lucky grandma and grandpa raised me to have more respect for you." I hiss before calmly walking back to my room. Sebastian's heavy footsteps follow me.

"Rough start." He says conversationally.

"It happens." I shrug.

"I need to ask a favor of you."


"Go easy on your mom."

"I think I was pretty gentle."

"She can't be stressed right now." He says intensely.

"Right because I can spare a few years of my life to save your marriage." I say viciously but it hurts a little because Sebastian just doesn't deserve it. "Sorry."

"I understand but it's really important that neither of us stress her out."

"Is there something besides the huge wedding you're planning that you're not telling me." I tilt my head to one side.

The War of the Unwilling Hearts (Harry Potter fanfic [Viktor Krum])Where stories live. Discover now