The Dive

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My things were packed in my charmed trunk by the fireplace and my room was now empty. Sadly, I look around at the bare wood floors, worn in the most exposed places.

"Milena, Sweetie, it's time to go." My mother calls up the stairs. I trudge down, making it a point to place both feet on every single one, whispering that I'd walk them again. "Sebastian is waiting for us." Mom smiles, rubbing my back and nudging me into the fireplace. I set my trunk in and grab a fistful of floo powder.

"Vistark Manor." She grins, nodding at me. I grab firmly onto my trunk and throw the powder to my feet, stating my destination clearly and grabbing on to the other handle before whizzing out of sight. The only way to survive a floo travel is by squeezing your eyes shut and force yourself to take steady breaths. It's less nauseating than apparating but if you watched all the place pass by you could get sick. At least I did. Seriously, projectile vomited upon arrival. I'd gotten used to it though and arriving at Sebastian's was smooth and he helped me out of the fireplaces as I had gotten slightly dizzy. He removed my trunk just before my mom plunked down where it had been.

"If he hadn't picked me out you could have crushed me." I smirk at her. "Eagerness kills."

"She likes to exaggerate." She smiles at him but he gives me a knowing look.

"I'd like to get my things unpacked." I tell Sebastian.

"Yes. I'll take you." He picks up my trunk and leads me up two flights of stairs, down a long hallway and into a large room. "It's yours. I hope you can grow comfortable in it. We are having guests for dinner."

"Thank you Sebastian." I smile. "One other thing."

"What is it?" He asks eagerly.

"The furniture. I need help with it." I frown.

"Of course." He smiles and helps me with the large furniture.

"Thank you."

"Do what you like with it." He grins and makes to exit the room.

"Whatever I want?" I test.

"Anything." He nods and leaves. I move my bed away from the wall and set a plastic sheet in its place, setting all my art supplies along its edges.

"What should I put on you?" I ponder. I had all day to be creative. I just need to make sure I was presentable for dinner. "Hmm?" I think while slipping into my paint splattered outfit. It was a special outfit that I only wore when I was painting, drawing, or sculpting. By the time I twirl my hair into a messy bun and put music on, I'd developed a concept.

Dipping the brushes into paint sends chills of excitement through me. I'll be in my head too deep for anything to bother me. It always happens. My mom hates it. She thinks I'm being defiant sometimes because she'll tell me to do things but I don't ever really hear her. On the other hand she likes it because I'm not such a prude when I'm in this trance. Her words, not mine.

"Oh darn." I hear my mom curse under her breath at the door. "She'll be like that for a while." I assume she's telling Sebastian of my little quirk. "Sweetie, we'll be gone for a while. We're going to the market for things for dinner."


"Let's see if she'll remember." She giggles quietly.

"I always remember." I say without stopping and let the smile spread across my face. She thought she was so clever.

I paint long after the suns sunk below my window. Taking a step back I gaze at every line I've made. They all twist together and blend into a towering willow tree with a little Native American girl kneeling beneath it with feathers in her hair and leaves falling down all around her. Her horse, with its painted hindquarters, grazes on grass beside her.

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