23- Vroooooooooooom

Start from the beginning

     Finland and America glared at each other, then Finland turned to put his focus on following Mexico, and America glared out the window, mentally cussing out Finland. Canada had a small smile on his face, he was glad that America was so protective of him and the others, even though it causes a lot of conflicts.

      "Good. Now either get along, or I'm going to replace Finland with Canada and make you two get along in the back." Russia said coldly, he was so fucking done with the two. One has anger issues, and the other is extremely protective, not a good combination. Especially if they're in the same car. (Rus sounds like a mom-)

     The car was silent for the rest of the drive, Canada occasionally making weird squawks and squeaks when he repeatedly loses to America in Rock, Paper, Scissors. Finland was so focused on driving, that he momentarily forgot about his fight with America... but when he wasn't thinking about being angry, or actually being angry, he was thinking of someone else.

     "God, I need to distract myself." Finland thought to himself, "Stupid stupid stupid, I just had to start thinking, didn't I?!" Russia was also thinking, just not as deeply as Finland. Russia was just thinking about what would've happened if certain things in history never happened or changed completely.


=In the car with Mexico and the others=


     Mexico was driving, and this car was definitely less noisy than Finland's car ride. Everyone was pretty chill. Mexico drove, Kazakhstan was in the passenger seat, and Vietnam was to the right of a cuddling and sleeping Greenland and Antarctica.

     Vietnam decided to ask Mexico if he could make them a blindfold later. Mexico agreed, it would give him something to do while everyone was doing stuff. Vietnam closed their eyes, since they didn't even have anything to look at. Kazakhstan was playing some games on his phone, since he had nothing to do.

     An hour passed and the newly formed group of people from both sides of the law were finally out of the East Plateau. Kazakhstan was still playing games and Mexico was still driving. Vietnam however tried to take a sneaky picture of the cuddling Greenland and Antarctica... tried.

     With Vietnams now awful sight, they couldn't exactly get a good picture. They tried a few times, but none of them were good, Vietnam didn't even have to look at the picture to know that they were terrible. They're just not cut out to be a photographer, apparently.

     Mexico, with his tail and wings, shifted every 10 seconds in his seat, which made driving a pain. But he's done it plenty of times that it's just normal to him, even Greenland and Antarctica think it's normal. Only Kazakhstan was slightly concerned, since Vietnam can't exactly... well... see.


=In the car with Russia=


     Everything was nice, quiet, and somewhat tense, until Russia yelled "FUCK!" Finland jumped in his seat and America's head jerked in Russia's direction, away from the window. Canada was sleeping... and well... he's not gonna wake up until he wants to... or America wakes him up.

     "Dude... what the hell?!" America snapped at Russia, still a little pissed from an hour earlier.

"Sorry," Russia apologized, "but I just remembered that I haven't reported back to EU in a week!" When those words registered in Finland's head, he to yelled-


     "WILL YOU STOP SHOUTING FUCK!?" America shouted; a bit annoyed that he was being the Canada in this situation. Curse you sleeping Canada... not really. Russia looked back at America, and Finland looked at America through the rear-view mirror. Then they sighed and nodded, at the same time... it caught America off guard.

     People hardly listen to him the first time, that's why America was surprised... also because of the fact that Russia and Finland, two countries who pretty much hate each other, sighed and nodded in unison... Once again, the silence in the car returned, Canada still sleeping, Russia and America looking out their windows, and Finland driving.

     After another hour and a half, the group of weirdos, rule-followers, loners, and (soon-to-be) lovers made it to the Cental City.


Guess what...

















Today, this book is #3 in Rusame!!!!!! IDK how or why! BUT, I am do freaking happyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!

My goal ever since I started writing, was to get at least top 10 in rusame... and I'm in the top threeeeeeee!!!!!! *happy Kameron squealing noises*

Thank you for reading, commenting, and adding my books to your reading lists... I may or may not look at those reading lists to see where my books ended up sitting in a reading list with. And I'm surprised and happy every time I do! :DD

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