"What day is it?"

He looked at his watch, "November eighth," he sighed and looked back at me, "I was so scared Bella!"

"I know, it's okay, I'm fine Edward!"

He nodded, and buried his head into the crook of my neck. He looked adorable. He had a calm yet frightened look on his face, "You're adorable."


"Nothing, just relax Eddy," I turned pink.

"Edward, you have to let go so I can examine her," Carlisle budded in.

Edward growled, and I whispered, "Just move Eddy, the faster you go, the faster you can come back."

He reluctantly let go and stormed off. Carlisle did the basic examination. "You look fine Bella," he smiled, then frowned, "Do you know why this could've happened?"

"I have no idea, I just ate dinner, then felt sick," I whispered. Maybe food poisoning?

He said I could go, and Edward picked me up, he dragged me to my room, and sat me on his lap. "I love you Bella."

I didn't say anything in response, "Bella, tell me that you love me, please?"

"I do love you Eddy."

He sighed and wrapped himself around me and hugged me close to him.

I kissed his cheek and he smiled, "Sorry Eddy."

"What for?"

"Leaving you earlier."

"Oh, it's okay Bella. I promise," he looked down and smiled at me. I kissed his cheek, laying on him and drifting to sleep.


Edward's POV:

I laid down in her bed, making sure to leave her close to me. I could barely even feel the burning in my throat anymore. I felt whole when she was with me. I smiled at the thought, so the lion fell in love with the lamb.

I watced Bella sleep, admiring her every breath. How did I get so lucky? I never thought that I could fall in love, much less for a human. Yet, here I am, holding the love of my life. Tightly in my arms, never wanting to let go. I would keep her here forever, but alas. Good things only last so long.

Before I knew it, the sun, or at least as much sun as we get, was rising. Sigh.

"Bella? Time to get up," I whispered in her ear.

"Five more minutes," she groaned and I burst out laughing.

I kissed her forehead and pulled her to my chest, "Love, you've got to get up."

She groaned and nodded, smiling at me, touching her lips to mine. I felt her smile then break away. Frowning, "What day is it?"

"Monday," she groaned.

"Worst day of the week," she mumbled.

"Actually, I think Sunday is the worst," I mumbled.


"Nothing," I say, pulling her up in my lap and kissed her cheek, "Come on Bella."

She smiled and climbed off of me. Staring.


"Edward, I have to change!"

"Oh. Oh, oh! Sorry!" I rushed out and she giggled.

"Hey, Edward, we're not going to school," Emmett said. Pulling me into a one-armed hug.


"The Denali's are coming!"


"Ugh, it's November 9th why are they so early?"

"They're staying for three weeks!" I groaned.

Emmett grinned, and C'mon! What's the worst that could happen?

"Do you want a list?"

Edward! Chillax, what are you so afraid of?

Jasper entered our conversation, "He's probably afraid for Bella.,"

I smiled thankfully at Jasper, and he just nodded. "Why, they're vegetarians?"

"It's Tanya," I muttered.

She's not that bad!

"He knows that, he just doesn't want Bella's feelings to get hurt."

I ran up the stairs while they finished conversing, "Bella?"

"Oh, umm, uhh, wait one moment!"

"Okay, just tell me when to come in," I leaned against the door and waited.

Something clattered to the ground, she mumbled something under her breath, opening and closing a couple drawers.

She opened the door wearing black sweatpants, and a smile. "Hey, what's up?"

I walked in and shut the door, like that would help! "Umm, I just wanted to remind you that I love you so much, and that I only love you!" I said it so fast, I'm surprised she heard me.

She giggled and kissed my cheek. I smiled, and she smiled back, "I love you too Eddy."

Bella and The CullensWhere stories live. Discover now