Prepare for Unforeseen Consequences!

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Yes... I know that it's G-Man infamous sentence in the Half-Life community, but it is too perfect for what it's about to come down.

Also, I didn't say anything about shipgirls coming with the ships and the crew disappearing.

Some of you will be sad, but no route on how I wanted it to play it out worked with a singular person. At least you have some action ongoing, just not "pew pew" and "brrrrrt".

Also, I slightly got sick of seeing how the shipgirls of modern/interwar ships seemingly only panic for one single second (with their appearance and their crew disappearing) and afterwards they are "this was always the case".


"Ich bin froh in Frieden und Freiheit zu leben und danke unseren Soldaten und Soldatinnen für Ihren und Euren Einsatz für unser Land!"

["I am happy to live in peace and freedom and thank you to our servicemen and women for their commitment to our country!"]

"Ich schwöre der Bundesrepublik Deutschland treu zu dienen und das Recht und die Freiheit des Deutschen Volkes tapfer zu verteidigen, so war mir Gott helfe."

["I swear to serve the Federal Republic of Germany faithfully and to bravely defend the rights and freedom of the German people, God help me."]

Protect peace and freedom for the security of our great republic and its people. This is what all soldiers have been told and trained to do since the birth of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949. To give their lives not to destroy what is in front of them, but to protect what is behind them.

Sure, some countries take it up a notch and put a lot of patriotic themes, songs, and other propaganda-like stuff in their overly patriotic speeches, but we know that patriotism has a limit, and you don't have to be patriotic to be patriotic. You may hate the people you are sworn to protect, but you will still protect the same freedom you were born into.

But the clock has struck midnight. "You shoot first, you die second!"

Now... the sailors and officers fought and won the Battle of the Baltic... but also lost to what no sane politician would actively use... the Republic and many other nations will likely be destroyed by nuclear hellfire and nuclear winter. Because someone didn't like the fact that their position was threatened on the very day they boldly declared war on others who had been preparing and training against them for over 80 to 90 years.

The Baltic Fleet has now lost its precious cruisers after serving less than a decade and a half and a decade respectively. Their families, parents, children, relatives, husbands, and wives are weeping for their losses, but they must also survive the coming nuclear winter that has begun.

Many nations, seeing the nuclear detonations and flying ICBMs, sent their own to their hypothetical enemies. If nuclear winter is coming, why keep them in storage, some thought.

Iran to every Middle Eastern Nation that exist, vice versa. Pakistan to India, vice versa. USA to China and Russia, the latter vice versa. China to USA. North Korea to South Korea and Japan. Britain and France against Russia.

Everywhere you looked in the sky, ICBMs were flying. Soldiers on the front lines knew that the very thing they were trying to protect was beginning to crumble under the atoms of destruction. Some fled, many abandoned their posts. No gunfire was exchanged as the first reports of nuclear detonations came over the now static-filled radios, both short and long range. Many lost hopes.

All was not lost, however, in terms of the desperate defense. Air defenses sprang to life. Missile defenses fired everything they had. Patriot missile defenses, linked to AEGIS systems, shot down and prematurely detonated nuclear-tipped missiles high above the stratosphere, where the particles, while still dangerous, had less effect, even on electronic devices that aren't EMP-proof.

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