Interlude (Alt - History)

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In case you don't see the picture above you:

It shows the Weimar Republic.

The first functioning democratic German Republic between 1919 and 1933.

From the moment Kaiser Wilhelm II fled to the neutral Netherlands, through a tumultuous year of meritocracy (military dictatorship), over the border disputes with Poland (Vorpommern and it's coal mines were their main targets), coup attempts by both left and right wing parties (the more infamous being the Bavarian Red State and the march of a certain Moustache Man in Munich, Bavaria), through the Golden Twenties, the Great Depression in the early 30's and the subsequent Reichstag fire and decree and takeover by the same Moustache Man.

But what happens if he and others never get such a chance? The Sirens came during the Battle of Jutland so why not change history altogehter?

I am surprised that I have not yet seen any Azur Lane fanfiction that includes the Weimar Republic. Like, come on guys, nobody wants to call "Prince" Bismarck, seriously?

Anyway, the interlude is here to give you a little insight into how things were before both Leipzig (CG-01) and Nürnberg (CG-02) are brought into the world.

Certain events will be skipped to not prolong this (non-) chapter.


28th of Juni, 1914: Assasination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife by a Serbian Nationalist.

28th of Juli, 1914: After a 48 hour ultimatum expired and all negotiations failed, the Danubian Federation declares war on Serbia.

30th of Juli, 1914: The Northern Parliament declares war on Austria-Hungary. The Monarchist Ironblood Empire, an ally of the Habsburgs, attempts to negotiate with the Northern Parliament. It fails and all sides fully mobilize their troops.

1st of August, 1914: Ironblood declares war on the Northern Parliament.

4th of August, 1914: Ironblood, to keep it's plans on time, declares war on the Iris Orthodoxy. It marches through neutral Belgium and Luxembourg, forcing the British Empire, quarantiring the sovereignty of Belgium, to declare war.


Two years later

Incident report 1916: Extraterrestial intervention during the Battle of Jutland/Skagerrak

31th of May, 1916 to 1st of June, 1916


After the battlecruisers of the Royal Navy and the German Imperial Navy had clashed and the Royal Navy, after losing two cruisers to flash fires, had withdrawn and the German battlecruiser force had retreated due to heavy damage, with one battlecruiser half sunk and one having lost its rudder and several hull breaches, something strange happened.

Sailors and officers reported a purple light illuminating the dark horizon, almost blinding many, and apparently unknown objects falling into the water. But because of the retreat, the information couldn't be passed on to higher ups, as the Royal Navy is trained not to question things and orders, and just wait until they are asked.

As the night wore on, more sightings of unknown ships were reported. The German Admirals Scheer and Franz von Hipper, not wanting to take the risk of accidentally firing on another sovereign fleet and not wanting to be flanked, immediately ordered their naval force to return to friendly waters. Unfortunately, the British main force caught up with them and began to engage them.

During the artillery fire, purple portals opened between the two sides, and huge ships, some with battleship-sized cannons, dropped in between the two sides and opened their artillery fire on both sides. Soon after, unknown creatures appeared through smaller portals and dropped and opened fire on both sides, mostly at life rafts and personnel overboard.

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