The death of a creator

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She walked on the path into town. The children played and giggled, reminding Isode of her own days when she did the same. It was a snowy winter. Cyrus had left during the spring. It had been months since he left, and she still missed his energy around the place. That adorable smile and cheerful energy his horrible mother had tried so hard to crush. She knew it was for the better he left. She would die anyway, there was no preventing it with her bloodtype. He had pleaded and asked what there was that he could do. Yet even she knew it was hopeless.

A pain in her throat snapped her out of her thoughts. She knew this pain. She knew it all too well. Isode fell to her knees, coughing and coughing. The children ran, scared and confused. Isode preferred they'd run. She couldn't comfort them in a state like this. Vera was exhausting as it was. Isode coughed and coughed, desperately trying to force the pain out of her throat. Blood splattered onto the white snow. This wasn't out of the norm. It had happened a few times. She would just get up and go back.

This time, she couldn't. Her legs refused to work. They were numb. She could still feel them... barely. Isode began to panic. She knew death was coming, that itself was undeniable but not this soon! She wasn't ready! Vera wasn't finished! No! She couldn't die! Not yet! She needed more time! Isode coughed again. The coughs only reminded her death did not care. Death would take her when it felt like it. More and more blood stained the white snow. She stared at it, and sobbed. Sobbed for the place she'd die in. The place she used to play in as a child, smiling and giggling as she destroyed the other children in a snow ball battle with her inventions. What a cruel and ironic place to die. She sobbed more, for the fact she would die without ever saying goodbye to her creation. There wasn't enough supplies! Not enough oil! Isode was supposed to get them, yet here she was, in a cruel twist of fate...dying in the one place that made her childhood what it was.

Her head fell onto the snow with a sickening but soft 'thud' as she coughed more blood. Her arms became as numb as her legs and the rest of her body. She coughed more and more, crying as she felt her heart start to slow. The infections would get her eventually, she knew this with her leukemia. It was the main cause of death. It was the reason she hardly left her lab. Perhaps Cyrus brought something with him. She knew it was a risk to let him in. To touch his hands that day in the rain. His soft hands that clearly belonged to a being more powerful than herself. It was all a risk they both knew but ignored in the moment. Her condition had gotten worse after he left. She didn't care, she loved him. He'd never love her. He never showed interest in females. Even in the movies they watched, his eyes were always on the males.

Isode closed her eyes and continued to sob. She felt weak. She had been. She had been weak even before Cyrus arrived. Aaron as he told her his name was. It was clearly a lie, she knew that. He was traumatized, ruined by the harsh hands of this world. So she went along with it. Called him by the name he told her to. Perhaps he was out there, still using it. She found peace in them. More peace than she found in her death. It was too soon. Too early. She needed to leave Vera with supplies. With the code. With something. Something more than a 'I'll be back'. With the last of her breath, she sighed and accepted her fate.

Gentle and warm ghostly hands picked her soul up. Isode leaned into the warm comforting touch. In a way, it reminded her of her mother. Her caring and gentle mother. Unbeknownst to her, Death was the one holding her. She sighed, looking at the bloody scene in the snow as the children's parents ran and tried to revive her. Daku, the current death god, sighed as she looked at Isode. Isode had relaxed in her arms, as did most souls with her motherly energy. Of course there was the few that fought back. Isode was not one though. Daku wished she was. Wished she was more aware of the fact she'd go to the officials for judgement and never return. Vera would be left to rot into insanity. As she left Isode in the official's hands, she told them not to make Isode aware. To let her believe she was still in her mother's arms. Just until the warmth finally faded. They agreed, just as Daku left to gather another soul.

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