Chapter 42

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"How is it that love and secrets reveal themself on the battlefield?"


𝚁𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐!

𝚁𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐!

An annoying bell awoke the team, being dangled above their head the more they tried to ignore the sound. Tremya groaned, rubbing her eyes and looking at Hazel.

The artist smiled at Tremya, "Arthos requested me to wake all of you. Him and Zelo made food."

"They made food together???" Tremya replied confused

Hazel nodded, "Yep. He's even taken to calling Arthos Father"

Charolette woke up dazed and focused, before beginning to panic as she asked where she was. Like as if she hadn't been here many times. Then again, things had changed over the years. The space had become a place often visited by Arthos Taskforce. "Grupo de trabajo multiverso" as Arthos referred to it. 

"We are in Guardian's facility inside the guest rooms." Ethan replied.

"Oh..." Charolette blinked, calming down at her father's reply. 

"Look, I know you didn't mean to lash out at Arthos yesterday but what you said was very hurtful and you need to understand that. We've raised you better than that!" Ethan scolded.

Charolette was immediately filled with regret, "I'm sorry Dad! I-"

Ethan interrupted her, "No. No. I understand. Essence does that. They feed negativity into our minds and force us to do things we will regret. All I'm asking you is to learn self control for such situations. Trust me, you don't want to make the same mistakes as I did."

"It's fine, don't worry about what you said Charolette." Arthos reassured, still looking horrible with his messy braid and fly aways, "Now can you two please eat the breakfast Zelo made? I made sure it's edible."

Charolette ran over and hugged Arthos. 

"I know you already forgave me but I'm still sorry!" Charolette cried.

"Charolette Its fine. Things like that are just part of being a god of fate. For as long as I live happy endings avoid me. I understand where you were coming from, and you had a good point. Reality is harsh and Fate is cruel." Arthos let her hug him,"Entities are cruel, I understand that very well myself. Essence's actions are nothing I blame you for"

"Thank you." Charolette replied,"Oh, and you can call me Charlie for short, that's what Noah calls me!" 

"Thank you, Uncle Arthos!" Noah quickly said, getting out of bed and running to the table smelling the food.

Sam walked out of a portal, rubbing his eyes.

"Can you please keep it down a little?" Sam tiredly whispered.

Ethan chuckled, "Sorry Sam. Oh, Arthos said that food is ready by the way."

Sam perked up, "Ooo! I'll be  over there in a minute." 

Charolette walked over to the kitchen with Noah following behind her. 

Arthos smiled, "You should thank Zelo too Noah"

"Thank you, Zelo!" Noah replied.

"Thank you uncle Arthos and Zelo." Charolette added.

Sam came back, wearing his casual clothes. 

"Thank you both!" Sam said, teleporting to the kitchen.

Zelo blinked surprised a mumbled a quiet "Your welcome"

Arthos pat Zelo, "Not used to the compliments?"

Zelo just nodded, "Kilos called me a monster or monstrosity."

Arthos sighed, "Ignore that old man, he's just sour"

Yeah, sour is one way to describe it puppet. Lo diré en tu idioma. Está enojado porque Zelo es tuyo.

"I see you two are getting close" Tremya mumbled.

Ethan and Bella came out of their room and went over to the kitchen while Guardian was nowhere to be seen. Cyrus noticed, grabbing his plate of food and thanking Zelo before going to look for Guardian. Zelo just gave Bella and Ethan their plates. They both thanked him with a smile, unaware of the ticking time bomb he'd be without the necklace around his neck. Zelo nodded and politely replied with a 'your welcome'.

Tremya sat next to Sam, "I still can't get used to Zelo suddenly being all buddy-buddy with Arthos"

"To be fair, Your father sucks and Arthos seems like someone that truly values Zelo, unlike Kilos." Sam replied, munching away at his food.

Tremya sighed, "True. Kilos is an asshole. Poor Zelo has been facing more manipulation and cruelty than me and thats saying something. Something bad"

"But I understand where you're coming from. It's strange why he's like that so fast." Sam added, "Well hey, let's look on the bright side! He found someone to seek guidance from." 

Tremya smiled, looking at Arthos and Zelo. Arthos seemed rather happy to be something of a father figure to Zelo. He smiled and ruffled Zelo's hair, something Zelo let happen with a weak little smack.

"True, and Arthos seems to be quite happy. He looked like he died inside when my mother died. I knew they were friends but... even then his reaction seemed like there was more than just friendship"

"Hmm... wait..." Sam blinked, "Didn't Vera say something about Tiempo to Arthos? I probably was hearing things but I'm sure she said something! I'm going to get more food. Want anything?" 

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