Chapter 41

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"I knew what'd happen, I just wish it wasn't this way."

The plaza was full of chatter and noise. There was two long tables, with cheap plastic chairs next to them. On top of pink fabric cloth sewn for this occasion, were sweets on one table and pizza on another. Streamers and confetti everywhere. Portals opened, with guests stepping out. Love stood at the portals, teleporting to each one and greeting her guests. She wore a beautiful peach dress, with a sweetheart collar and see-through muffin sleeves, held together by a tiny ribbon in the front.

Charolette wore a lovely dress, but nothing as flashy and revealing like most of the dresses at the party. She wore a simple purple and yellow dress with a matching bead necklace. Her hair was curled and given body, with a bit of makeup but nothing much. She sat with Ethan, who was talking to some of the other guests like Aphrodite who wore an elegant white vintage dress with dark purple and magenta flowers printed on it. Noah walked around, talking to  others there was well in his button up shirt and leather up shoes.

Peach sat in a chair, watching Love with eyes full of admiration and love. She had been into love for some time, but since she was only a mere rook she didn't dare tell the queen about her feelings. Love and Peach had been friends since they first meet, even when Love was a baby she was quite fond of Peach. The two became close friends, despite the 6 year age gap. She didn't even notice Cyrus walking over.

"Someone's got a crush~" He teased.

Peach squeaked startled and fell off her chair. Hazel blinked, helping Peach back up. Charolette noticed the scene and looked at Ethan.

"Go ahead! I'm just talking to guests!" Ethan replied.

Charolette nodded, running over to the scene.

"The hell are you guys up to?" She chuckled.

Cyrus wore his usual outfit, with a flower crown to fit the occassion. He hated fancy clothes, so no one questioned it.

"I just noticed Peach staring at Love" He answered with a little smile.

Peach blushed embarrassed and hid her face, "It's just a stupid crush. Not like Love would love me anyway..."

Quinn walked over and kiss Cyrus on the cheek. Cyrus blushed a bit but smiled.

"Hmmm...where have I heard that before? Oh look who's saying it now!" Quinn laughed.

Peach grumbled, "God dammit..."

Tremya walked over, wearing a white dress with lots of light blue ribbons, "Awww the lil demon has a crush~!"

Peach hid her face more, "Shut up. Love has to marry a man for her duty anyway"

Tremya snickered, "Maybe..."

Peach looked at her, "What do you mean maybe?!"

"Oh would you look at that Love is walking over here!" Tremya quickly changed the subject.

Peach blushed, and squeaked startled, "WAit she is?!"

Sam portaled over to them in a stylish suit.

"Ooo.. is our show on?" Sam asked, whispering to  Tremya. 

Tremya snickered, "Yes it is darling."

Love smiled at Peach, "Sorry I was greeting guests. There was so many-!"

Love was ecstatic, smiling with eyes full of excitement and joy. Love had always been a social one, sometime Peach never was. Love clearly got this from her father, since she acted so much like him at times. She was the next god-to-be of war so it made sense.

Peach laughed nervously, fidgeting with a snake fidget she had, "Y-Yeah-"

She had become more aware of her autism as she got older, carrying fidgets to use when she got overestimated or bored.

"Nice party! Isn't it?" Charolette mentioned.

"The pizza is tasty" Hazel added, eating another slice.

Love laughed, "I made sure to get pizza instead of something fancy. After all Peach and Hazel aren't used to the god's types of parties"

"Yeah... I ate like... I don't know six slices?" Charolette shrugged.

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