Chapter 1: A Deal With The Devil

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Five years earlier..

Nightmare POV

I had never been particularly good with relationships. I wasn't interested in them either, they were all distractions for all I cared. So meeting Ccino was like a wake up call; I never thought someone like him could make me let my guard down so easily.

Every time I came into his cafe, he would perk up behind the counter and give me a dorky grin. Ccino was always so happy to take my order and it didn't take him long to know exactly what I wanted each time. He didn't look at me like I was some kind of villain who had taken thousands of lives, but like an old friend. It was completely different from the horrified stares I got from everyone else.

I enjoyed coming to that small cafe and seeing him. We would have small conversations before the customers really started to pour in. I didn't want to admit how much I treasured those moments we had together. Even if I didn't ever want to believe it, I had a specific interest in Ccino.

One day, he confessed to me out of the blue and I couldn't turn him down. Ccino never wanted to go public about our relationship however, and I didn't blame him. I felt like he had turned into a different person over the next several months but I tried to ignore it.

I avoided the problems like a fool.

I had sat with him that day just like usual. The strong scent of coffee and milk of that day forever etched into my memory. The smooth texture of the plastic cup in my hand Ccino had brewed before I even walked in the door. I could remember every last detail of that day and replay it in my mind without fail.

I would go over it, trying to analyze every mistake I made that day. I would go as far as to think of alternate scenarios where I had avoided them. It never changed the real outcome; the real way things went. No matter how badly I wanted things to change, they never would.

"Nightmare, there's something I need to tell you," Ccino had started the conversation.

"What is it?" I had asked in a playful tone, assuming nothing bad of him.

"I want to break up with you. I know that might be hard for you to hear, but I'm just not interested anymore. I don't see you enough; I can't see you enough. Anyone knowing that we're together could put my cafe into ruins. I could stop getting supplies from places like Haventale if anyone knew," He looked away from my gaze as if I was going to snap at him.

The world around me seemed fuzzy. My senses dulled down to the stinging of tears threatening to flood my eyes. I waited for Ccino to say he was joking, but there was nothing. Instead, I swallowed thickly and took a sip of my coffee.

I couldn't believe he'd want to throw me out for this small coffee shop, but in a way, I understood. It was all Ccino ever had in the first place. I knew I wasn't the best one for him either.

"I understand. I'm not going to argue with your decision," I took another sip of my coffee to help how dry my throat felt.

"Thank you, Nightmare. It was fun while it lasted at least. Maybe you'd like another cup of coffee? Just as an apology?" Ccino asked with a weak smile.

"This one is just fine. Thank you for everything, Ccino."

I stood up from my chair and immediately had to grip the back of it to keep from falling. My vision was blurring and my legs wobbled underneath me. Was I this anxious from our breakup? Nothing seemed right, I couldn't keep my train of thought.

"Nightmare! Are you alright?" Ccino stood up in a panic and grabbed my shoulder to steady me.

Something was in that coffee. That's all I could think before I collapsed into his arms, the world fading away.

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