A once in a life time challenge

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It was beautiful day in Konohagakure. Naruto and Sasuke were going to Ichiraku ramen as a treat. When the bumped into a red haired boy flanked by a boy in a black attire and a girl with yellow spiky hair. 

Naruto and Sasuke scanned the trio as they had never seen them in the village before. 

At the head of the formation was a boy with spiky red hair. He had a fair complexion but with dark circles around his eyes. His eyes themselves were a crystal blue colour. He wore a simple attire with a black shirt and a white sash going across his body. What stuck out to the brothers about this boy was two things: the gourd on his back and a red tatoo on his forehead, reading the kanji (japanese writing) for the word love. 

The girl slight behind him had the same spiky hair but in a blonde colour and buns on the back of her pair. Around her neck was a headband which Sasuke recognized as belonging to the village hidden in the sand, Sunagakure. On her back was a large fan. She wore a purple attire. 

The boy on the other side was dressed in black, with purple markings all over his face. On the forehead of the attire was the same Sunagakure crest. On his back was a large object however, it was concealed with a heavy amount of bandages. 

'Who are you guys? Judging from your headband, your from Sunagakure right? So why are you here, so far from home' asked Sasuke.

'I'm Gaara of the sand' the red haired boy replied in husky voice. 'Move or die.' 

Naruto and Sasuke jumped back, activating their sharingans. While the other trio also prepared for conflict, sand rising from his gourd. As they charged at each other, a silver flash seperated them. It was Kakashi. 

'Calm down now' said Kakashi.

'Kakashi sensei, who are these guys?' Sasuke called out. 

'They are genin from Sunagakure, and are here to take the chunin exams' he replied. 

The trio from the sand village, just walked past Kakashi and kept on their way. 

'Chunin exams?' Naruto asked.

'Yes, in fact come with me, I was actually looking for you two' their sensei answered. 

They tree got to the training grounds were they always had their meetings. From a distance they could see Sakura who Kakashi had called earlier. After they had all sat down, Kakashi began to explain what was going on.

'The Chunin Exams are as the name suggest exams, these exams are used for genin to progress to the next rank, the rank of the chunin. They are also a way for villages to compare their next generation's power levels.' Kakashi explained. 'I have decided to enroll you guys in the chunin exams as you have performed well on your missions and I genuinely think you could become chunins. Make the decision and go to this building if you decide take part in the exams' he said while pointing on a map. 

They all decided to take part in the exams and the next day the trio ventured to the building Kakashi had mentioned. They gave in their forms at the reception desk and looked for the room in which they were meant to wait for the exams to commence. At the door they were meant to enter the exam room, two boys stood beating away the people attempting to enter the room. On the ground was a boy in a green attire with a bob cut, with bushy brows slapped across his face. On his waist was a konoha headband. Behind the boy stood another with long brown hair, in a beige coloured shirt and dark brown shorts and blue sandals. He had bandages wrapped around his right arm and right leg. Finally there was a girl who had knelt down while helping her teammate up, she wore a pink shirt and had brown hair with two buns on the top. 

'Hey, this is the wrong room' Sakura called. 'What's the point of casting the genjutsu!' she yelled. She was quite proud of herself for discovering the trick.

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