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I woke up on the floor of the cell, my vision blurry and my mind racing, flooded with questions. What had happened? I had been discovered. Who turned me in? Zuko. Why? Why? Later I fought Azula. What happened there? I lost. That's right, I'm banished. I'm banished. I lost. Oh my god. What do I do now?

In frustration, pain, terror, and pure rage, I started screaming. I screamed so hard that tears formed in my eyes and my voice became raspy. My whole body was tired and in pain. Unbearable pain. The burn that Azula caused covered most of my previously burnt arm, my side, part of my back, and went up my neck. I was lucky that it didn't burn my throat.

I heard a noise coming from outside the door. I couldn't stand up because of the pain, so I just laid down awaiting my destiny. The door opened, so I moved my eyes from the ceiling to meet with the holes of the guard's mask. He leaned over me and grabbed my healthy hand, pulling it with force up. He tied my hands together. I screamed in pain because it felt like I was getting skinned alive. He brought me onto his shoulder and carried me out of the cell, leading me towards the exit. As he opened the door, I thought, "That's my chance to escape." But I was still too weak to move, so I just let him throw me into the carriage. He got in after me and tied my eyes. The ride was long and tiring.

When we stopped, he pushed me out of the vehicle. I landed on my scars, so I screamed in pain, and my mind went blank for a second. He threw some kind of chest next to me, saying "A gift from the prince, and the queen." With that, he sat back in the carriage and left me.

I stayed on the ground, focusing all my energy on not passing out. I collected the water from my surroundings and started to cut up the rope on my wrists. It was definitely not easy. When my hands were free, I sat up with a growl and took off the cloth that was covering my eyes. I covered my fingers with the rest of the liquid and put it on my wounds. After the shock, came a huge wave of relief. I didn't have much water, so I couldn't heal my burn fully, I just got rid of the pain. I left it when I stopped feeling it, and turned to take in the surroundings. I was in some kind of field in the middle of the forest. I turned to the chest that was supposedly my gift.

The chest was big, huge even; I don't know how they expected me to carry it. My first thought was to leave it. I don't need anything from that traitor. But then I realized that if it will help me survive, I might as well take it.

I opened it and inside I saw mostly clothes. But the material in the corner was moving. I removed the cloth to discover a baby mongoose lizard. A while will pass before it'll be ready to carry weights, but for now it's nice to have a companion.

For some reason, most of the clothes were in light colors like white and gray. But I found a long black dress with puffy sleeves. I changed into it and brushed my hair with the hairbrush that was included in my gift. I tied my hair into a high ponytail and basked all the stuff back into the chest.

I was about to close the lid when I noticed an envelope that was put in there. I took it out and opened it. A bracelet fell out, it was really pretty, made out of red, blue, and pink beads. I looked at the paper to read the text, but then I recognized the signature at the bottom. "Zuko".

I suddenly got furious all over again. I wanted to rip the letter, but I stopped myself. I just folded it back up and threw it back into the chest and slammed the lid.

I then remembered about my new pet. I quickly opened the lid to see the lizard calmly looking at me, sticking out its tongue. I smiled slightly at it and reached out my hand in its direction. The animal slowly and carefully walked over to me and jumped onto my palm. Looking at it being so comfortable in my presence gave me a new kind of comfort and hope for the future.

I wanted everyone to feel like this, no matter the nation. "How should I name you, cutie?" I thought for a moment, "Maybe Elpízo? "Eli" for short?". The lizard just ignored me so I decided to name him that.

I put him on my sholder and closed the lid again. I thought for a second on how to move the box, but i figured that i don't have any other choice than to drag it. I didn't know which way to go, should i follow the carrige or not? I felt really confused, not long ago fire nation was my home, and now i couldn't return. I felt the tears in my eyes, but i just collected myself and turned the opposite directon. I grabbed the box and started to drag it. It was really heavy and uncomfortable, but i couldn't just leave it, i might need this stuff later.

After some time i got to a town, i looked around and noticed a sign saying "Konaru" in fancy writing. I remember this city from my geography classes, it's on south of the fire nation. I was really far from the capitol. I knew that i couldn't stay on the land. I'm banished so i can't stay. I felt Eli wiggle on my shoulder and it made me feel less alone. He was becoming my comfort person. I went over to harbor and noticed that there was a boat that was just leaving the land. I took my chances, and ran iver to the fisherman. "Excuse me, could I join you on your trip?" the fisherman looked me up and down, shook his head and left. I watched him as he swam away.

The sun was slowly setting down and full moon was coming up. I heard a commotion near me so, since i didn't know what to do, i followed thw noise. It led me to some place thet looked like a police station. A lot of people were being forced inside, it really confused me, why would all these people be taken there? I decided to listen to the conversation inside, it's not like i had anything better to do. I sneaked up to the window and listened in on the conversation.

"Yes sir, we cought them all, they were trying to leave the island." One of the guards stated, "Ugh these othere nations are getting on my nerves, how could they think that they could leave here and come in and out whenever they please." So they are different nation, maybe watertribe? I'm on south, maybe Katara and Sokka are among them, maybe they were looking for me? The other guard continued "Ever since the South Pole was attacked all these refugees are coming" What...What is he talking about, i've never heard of the attack on the Sout Pole, the first guy repiled "Well they aren't going back" And the booth of them burst out in laughter.

Oh My Stars what if Katara and Sokka are there? They will stay there, i can't let that happen.

I ran back to my chest to think about what i could do. It's a full moon, I'm more powerfull than ever so i could do something. But i can't do it like this, i'm just gonna get cought and probably killed since i'm already banished. I openned the lid and looked for something usefull, i found a long black cape with a gigant hood which would be usefull, i thought about how i'm going to beat up grown men. Well my first advantage is that it's a full moon, but it might be my only one. I thought hard for a few seconds and then remembered the time when i used my own blood in the Agni Kai, maybe i could use someone elses. I could try but that shouldn't be my main skill, it's too unsure. I guess i should focus on disorienting them.

I decided to act quickly since i still had the pump of adrenaline.


1432 words, a shorter chapter, but i didn't have the time to write (busy week :( )

If you don't understand anything about my lore or if you have any suggestions or corrections, please share them with me so that i can improve, english is not ma first language so my writing can be a bit messy, but i'll be happy to explain any confusons :)) 

also sorry about the cliff hanger i'm just not sure about how i wanna go about the fight

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