How long does this last..

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Fantasia walks in the room with a tray full of breakfast. "Baby.. Raji wake up babe look what I got for you.." Taraji gets up
"Hmm?" Taraji says while still half asleep.
"Look baby.." Fantasia says while holding the tray up
"What's that?" Taraji says.

"Food baby.." Fantasia chuckles
"Oh.. shit give it here girl.." Taraji laughs.
Fantasia sits the tray and Taraji's lap And Taraji starts to eat.
"So babe what's you plans today?" Fantasia says while kissing Taraji on her cheek.

"Oh shit I don't know.. we could go see the kids today and do some shopping.." Taraji says
"Mmm okay.." Fantasia says kissing her cheek again
Taraji sits the tray on her table.
"You wanna kiss some cheeks kiss these ones.." Taraji laughs and gets up and runs into the bathroom.

"Oh lord.. shit if you want me to!" Fantasia says running into the bathroom too.

Kendall's apartment

"I need to get to them I need to see them babe you don't understand.." Kendall says.
A women walks in "your gonna see them chill out can't you just go over there and see them.. what's the problem?" Aiysha says while kissing Kendall.

"I can't see them.. because Fantasia and her bitch got a restraining order on me.." Kendall says pushing Aiysha away.
"They can't just keep you away from your kids.. do you want me to do something about it?" Aiysha says.

"What the fuck can yo do Aiysha get the fuck outta face.. NOW!" Kendall says to her angry.
"Shit okay.." Aiysha leaves the house leaving Kendall alone.
"I'm gonna get them.. yeah.. I'm gonna get them" Kendall says

Meanwhile Taraji's house

Taraji screams while running
"Come here Taraji I just wanna talk.." Fantasia says while laughing.
"UNT UNT! You gon do something.." Taraji says
Fantasia runs up to Taraji causing her to catch her.

Fantasia grabs Taraji's waist and kisses her.
"Mmm... You better move before you start something.." Taraji says "maybe i want too.." Fantasia says laughing Taraji pushes Fantasia away
"unt unt come here baby.." Fantasia says grabbing Taraji close to her and kissing her.

"Come on babe we gotta go see the kids.." Taraji says backing up from Fantasia.
"Mhm you know you want it but you right come babe let's get ready.." Fantasia says walking into the bathroom..
"Shower together though baby?" Taraji says smiling.

"See I know you wanted some.." Fantasia says turning on the shower.
"Give me that kiss you were trying to give me in the living room baby.." Taraji says in a seductive voice. Fantasia takes off Taraji's clothes while Taraji took her hers as they kissed.

They both get in the shower and goes at it maybe stuff is going good.. so they thought

HEYYYYY it's MUAH again I missed school today just for y'all 😐 I'm lying nah I just didn't want to go plus it's a new school FUCK NO.. anywhooooo here Iam again with some juice for y'all Kendall wants to see his kids but WTF IS TASIA AND RAJI GON DO .. shit we gotta see ..


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