Craziness with Co-hosts

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Flittle: Hello everyone!

Flittle: I have a lot of dares today, so be prepared for a much longer chapter today!

Flittle: And before you say anything, Lillie, yes, I did just break the fourth wall like three times in two sentences!

Flittle: Oh, also you're paying!

Lillie: But-

Flittle: CATERPIE!!!

Caterpie: Cater?

Flittle: Yes, Lillie is paying as she caused the damage!

Lillie: What?

Caterpie: Cater cater caterpie!

Lillie: *In a whisper* What did it say?

Flittle: First of all, Caterpie goes by he/him pronouns

Flittle: Second, he is asking you for 400 pokécoins

Lillie: HOW?!

Flittle: The fourth wall broke... four times

Lillie: Girlfriends!!!

Mallow and Lana: Yes, my love?

Lillie: Could you help me pay please, I don't have enough money...

Mallow and Lana: Sure! *Hands over 100 pokécoins each*

Lillie: Thanks! *hands over 400 pokécoins to Caterpie*

May and Dawn: Ship!!!

Flittle: Okay, we can start with the- *door knocks*

Flittle: *Opens the door* Hello Dragonite!

Dragonite: Drago!

Flittle: Oh wow, two boxes?! *Hands over 200 pokécoins*

Dragonite: Drago drago dragonite!

Flittle: That's understandable. It must be so exhausting for you to constantly fly over here!

Dragonite: Dragonite! *flies away*

Flittle: AMISEXUAL!!!

Prince_of_Simps: Yes?

Flittle: Could you carry the boxes for me, I don't have the physical strength to carry both of these!

Prince_of_Simps: Do I have to?

Flittle: Just imagine that one of the boxes contains Amity, and the other contains Misty

Prince_of_Simps: Okay then! *Picks up both of the boxes and carries them over to the others*

Flittle: *Opens one of the boxes* Anyway, meet Switchy, our new co-host!

Switchy: Hello everyone!

Pokégirls: Hi

Flittle: I know you have been waiting for three days now, so you may now say your dares!

Switchy: My first dare is that Serena has to turn into a Fennekin for 3-6 chapters depending on a wheel spinn!

Serena: WHAT?!

Flittle: The wheel picked 4!!!

Serena: Well, I guess that isn't too bad. It's definitely better than 6

Flittle: Any last words before the only thing you say is "Fennekin" for four chapters?

Serena: Hmmmm...


Flittle: *Turns Serena into a Fennekin* Just a quick little thing to add, you can not dare to end the dare quicker!

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