Chapter 16

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I was trying to contain my excitement as the weekend rolled around. The guys had landed back home a couple of days ago, having a few days to rest due to the jet lag. Today, we were finally getting to see them again.

"You seem happy" Emma glanced over at me as I drove. I was taking us to the restaurant where we were meeting.

"Do I?" I questioned, whilst turning up the volume and humming along to Bring Me The Horizon.

"Very! I'm not complaining, it's nice to see. I just wondered if you have anything to tell me, maybe?" She asked. I could feel her gaze burning into me as I kept my eyes glued to the road.

"What? Nope nothing! I'm just in a good mood is all, no reason" I admitted. It wasn't a complete lie, looking forward to seeing Noah again in person may be contributing, but I did just generally feel good. I felt the best I had been in a long time, actually. My head felt clearer, and I felt more positive about everything.

"Well, I'm glad, you know all I want is for you to be happy" she said sincerely.

"Thanks Em, you too. I do feel happier in myself, I think I'm just finally moving on from everything with Sam properly, you know"

"That's really good, I'm glad. He was an idiot and you should never let him get in your head. I know that's easier said than done though. You deserve a lot better Lil. Do you feel ready to date again?" Emma asked, her tone a lot more relaxed than the last few times she's pushed me for answers on my love life.

"Honestly, I don't think so, I think I just want to enjoy how things are at the moment" I explained. The thought of a relationship still scared me. I liked how things were currently. Everything had seemed to fall into place. I had great friendships I could finally put time into without someone questioning my every move. Regardless of whatever my feelings were towards Noah, it was going well the way things were. Nothing seemed awkward between us currently, and that was the main thing I wanted. I was just enjoying our friendship and what it was becoming.

When we got there we took out seats, Noah ended up sitting opposite me, with Emma by my side. We all chatted, catching up on their time on tour before our food came. Once everyone started eating, separate conversations broke out between the group.

"So you missed me, huh?" Noah smirked at me from across the table, speaking quieter to just me. However, I was conscious that Emma was sitting eating her food silently, and most likely listening.

"That was the alcohol talking" I replied, whilst keeping a straight face.

"They say alcohol makes you more truthful"

"Well, with me, it just makes me talk shit" I laughed.

"Hmm, right" he said, in an unconvinced tone. "Well, I didn't miss you either, don't worry" Noah added, the smile on his face suggesting he was winding me up. I kicked him lightly under the table. "Ow!" He exclaimed.

Emma let out a little chuckle, confirming that she had been paying attention to us. Noah glared at me playfully, and I just gave him a look back, and we continued eating in silence. Occasionally our eyes would meet or we would exchange smiles, happy to be in each others prescence again.

"So what's the plan now, guys?" Folio asked everyone.

"Let's go back to ours and play games!" Nicholas suggested excitedly, earning a chuckle from us all. Nicholas would never miss an opportunity for us to play games, not that any of us minded.

"I'll ride with you, I'm already done with Folio's driving," Noah said as I grabbed my keys from my bag, walking outside.

"I heard that!" Folio shouted towards Noah.

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