Chapter 1

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"Come on Lili!" Emma said, pulling me out of our front door. Emma is my best friend and housemate, she's a very bubbly, loud person. She's the complete opposite to me in that way, but that's why we got on so well, I bring the calm, and she brings the crazy.

Emma had managed to convince me after a lot of begging to go to her cousin's house party. I was anxious because I didn't really know many people who would be there. Emma's cousin Nicholas lived with his a few of his friends, who also happened to be his bandmates. Growing up Emma and I had spent a lot of time with Nicholas and his best friend Noah would usually tag along too. So I'd been friends with the two of them both for years before the others joined when they formed their band. I did enjoy their company, but I knew we wouldn't be seeing them much with all the other guests they had to entertain. 

Emma and I climbed into an Uber, and I took a deep breath.

"You ready? We are going to have the best night" she said with a reassuring smile. I nodded and smiled back, I knew I'd be fine once I got a few drinks down me. Or at least I hoped I would.
As we were nearing their house, my phone vibrated in my bag, I swiftly pulled it out and saw my boyfriend's name on the screen.

Sam: Let me know how you're doing tonight. I can always come and get you if you want.

I quickly typed back to let him know I'd be fine. Sam was not keen on my friendship with the guys. I could have bought him along to get them to meet properly and show him they're harmless, but I kind of wanted the space. We were good together when things were good... but he could get a little much, and recently it felt like we just needed some space.

"Sam texting you again?" Emma asked and rolled her eyes. She wasn't a big fan of his.

"He's just checking in" I tried to reassure her. Emma let out a disapproving noise.

"Well, tonight is for us, we are going to have the best time! It's been ages since we went to party! You're always with Sam these days, it's going to be like old times" she said excitedly. Emma took her phone out and snapped a picture of us, uploading it to her story. "You look so good!" Surprisingly, I felt good in myself for once. I had been so used to living in baggy hoodies lately that I'd forgot what it's like to put some effort in for a change. I was wearing a new tight black dress with mesh sleeves that had a deep V at the front showing a little cleavage and black boots.

"Not as good as you!" I smiled at Emma who always looked effortless no matter what the occasion. We soon got to the house and made our way to the door. I clutched my bag close to my stomach as Emma knocked. I had no idea how anyone would ever hear us over the noise, music blaring from inside the house. However only a few seconds passed before the door flung open and Noah was stood before us. A smile immediately spread across his face when he saw the two of us. He threw one arm around Emma pulling her in for a hug gently before doing the same to me. His hand lingered on my shoulder for a second as he looked down at me and then over to Emma.

"Glad you could make it" he flashed one of his charming grins again as he started leading us further into the house. We said our hellos to Nicholas, Folio and Jolly and then nodded in the direction of some others we hadn't met before and quickly made our way to get some drinks. I was still clutching my bag to my stomach and taking a big sip of my drink, hoping to get a buzz as soon as possible. There weren't many girls at the party and not many people were dancing. I looked around at a sea of mostly tattooed men standing in groups chatting, some nodding their heads to the beat of the music. I felt my phone vibrate again and reached into my bag.

Sam: Interesting outfit choice for a night with your male 'friends'.

My stomach dropped as I read the message. I immediately knew he'd seen the picture Emma posted. I suddenly felt a lot more self conscious about the outfit.

"Stop texting loverboy and let's go dance!" Emma groaned as I stared at my phone, unsure whether to reply or not. I knew it would end badly if I didn't respond, but I'd probably also fuel the fire with whatever I did reply with, so I couldn't win.

"Let me have another drink first, I'm not drunk enough to be almost the only ones dancing" I said, whilst deciding to shove my phone back into my bag and hurriedly grabbing some shots. I handed one to Emma and we downed them before grabbing a couple more.

"YES!" She screamed excitedly after downing the other shot and pulling me by the wrist towards the few others that were dancing. She immediately started letting herself go, and I began swaying a little self consciously waiting for the alcohol to kick in and give me a confidence boost. Nicholas soon came over and threw his arm around us both. He was clearly already a little tipsy, laughing to himself whilst telling us how glad he was that we were here. He offered us another drink, and we gladly accepted.

The alcohol was finally starting to get into my system, and I felt myself starting to enjoy the music more. There were also more people dancing around us now. I caught a glimpse of Noah through the crowd, he was sipping his drink leaning against the wall, he smiled as soon as our eyes met. He started to make his way over to us and joined in dancing beside us. Nicholas appeared soon after and the four of us were laughing uncontrollably as we jumped around. I was surprised at how much fun I was having.

Unfortunately, my bladder had to interrupt the moment, and I excused myself as I rushed off to the bathroom. I took a moment to check my phone before leaving the bathroom and messages and missed calls from expected he was mad I'd ignored him.

Just as I went to type a reply I had another incoming call.

"Hi" I said picking it up reluctantly.

"Oh now she answers!" Sam said aggressively. "I was worried about you, I was thinking I might have to come over there!"

"I'm fine Sam. I'm at a party, you can't expect me to be messaging you the whole time" I snapped.

"Well if you weren't busy flaunting yourself to a group of guys, I'm sure you'd have time to send a message to your boyfriend". He'd always been jealous and paranoid but I'd always brushed it off. However, it was starting to get exhausting.

"I am not. I'm having fun with my friends and I don't have to be with you or texting you 24/7!" I raised my voice slightly.

"Well you don't dress like that for me. You're clearly trying to impress one of them, which one is it? or is it just anyone you can get?" he hissed.

"I'm done with this conversation" I sighed and hung up. He immediately tried calling back but I ignored it. I unlocked the bathroom and stepped out into the hallway. I stood against the wall and let out a deep breath trying to gather myself before I returned to everyone. I didn't want to let him ruin my night.

"Lili" I looked up and saw Noah with worried look on his face. "Who upset you?" He asked.

"No one" I lied, knowing he'd already seen straight through me.

My phone vibrated in my bag constantly. I pulled it out feeling my anger bubbling again, and turned it to do not disturb. I saw Noah glance at the screen and raise an eyebrow at the amount of missed calls and the name he must have seen.

"Whoever it is, they seem persistent. What happened?"

"None of your business" I replied a little harshly and tried to walk away, but his large hand gripped my arm lightly causing me to turn back to face him. "You know you can talk to me" Noah said, a warm but still concerned expression across his face. I was starting to feel really overwhelmed. Everything with Sam, and knowing I'd have to deal with it all tomorrow. I felt angry that he's ruining my night without even being here. I felt angry that he didn't trust me.  Tears started welling up in my eyes.

"Sorry, I'm fine honestly" I said quietly as I quickly wiped my eyes and faked a smile.

"Do not apologise. Listen-" Noah said, taking a step forward and placing a hand on my shoulder, "Whoever made you feel like this, they're not worth it". 

Wait For You (Noah Sebastian)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin