Chapter 13

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Noah kissed me. That was all I could think about for the last few days. I'd hidden myself in my room all week, not wanting to speak to anyone. I emersed myself in my work, trying to stay busy.

Thankfully, I'd managed to hold it together in front of Emma and the others when I'd found them outside, shortly after I walked off from Noah. Emma and I left after saying a quick goodbye to everyone. We had walked past Noah on the way out. He looked like he was deep in thought, swirling the liquid around in his glass as he stared at it. Emma had tapped him on the shoulder, and I stood behind her awkwardly. I gave him a slight wave goodbye, and he nodded his head at me. His face void of emotion. I hadn't seen or spoken to him since. The day after, he messaged me saying sorry and that we should speak, but I had just replied saying it's ok. There was nothing I wanted to talk about.

It shouldn't have happened. I knew it shouldn't, but that didn't stop me from replaying the moment in my head. I was still trying to process the fact that he actually wanted to kiss me...or maybe it was the influence of the alcohol? But the more I thought of his words,'there is no other girl', the more I started to read into them. No 'other' girl...because I was the girl...? I shook my head at my thoughts. I had to get him out of my mind, I had to put a stop to it all before it even had a chance to go any further. The kiss made my feelings towards him even more intense, and I couldn't face him or the feelings.

I suddenly remembered Emma telling me the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. While I didn't intend to take that quite as literally, it might not be the worst idea.

"Em, I need your help with something," I announced as I walked into the living room. She paused the series she was watching and looked over to me.

"Of course?"

"Can you help set me up with a date?"

Her eyes nearly popped out of her skull.

"Are you being serious?"

"Yeah, why not? You're always going on about me finding someone? And I think maybe it's time"

"I never thought you'd actually take me up on it...are you sure it's what you want?" She questioned, and I nodded.

"Well if you're sure! I think I might know someone from work that you'd get on with. I'll check if he's free this weekend" Emma seemed to suddenly get more excited about the idea.

It didn't take long for Emma to get the date set up. I began to feel nervous at the idea but reminded myself it was for the best. I'd messaged him a few times, his name was Dan, and he seemed nice. He was handsome, but I wouldn't say he was out of this world or someone I'd usually go for. I convinced myself to try not to go in with a negative mindest and see what happened regardless.

Dan had agreed to pick me up and to take me to dinner.

"You look perfect" Emma grinned as she finished my hair. "I hope you have the best time"

"I'll try" I said as I hugged her. "Thank you for helping me"

"That's what's what I'm here for! Ah he's here!" she squealed excitedly as there was a knock at the door. I took a deep breath before opening it. After greeting Dan, we made our way to the restaurant. In the car, conversation flowed well, but I hadn't fully relaxed in his presence.

When we arrived, we took our seats and orders and he began telling me more about his work and where he had travelled to.

"Did Emma tell you about the conference we had in New York that one time?" Dan asked, his eyes lighting up. I shook my head and took a large sip of my wine. I was quick to realise he clearly had a huge interest in travel. Whilst I loved listening to people's passions and I enjoyed travelling myself, I also noted how I'd barely said two words since we'd got here.

The food came soon after, and we both fell silent as we ate for a while. Dan made some comments on the food, but I was struggling to think of anything interesting to strike up a conversation.

It wasn't long after we finished that Dan took the opportunity to tell another story of his travels, and I tried my hardest to listen and nod along.

"Let's split the bill" I insisted.

"No. Absolutely not, I will pay" he smiled. "I had a great time"

"Me too" I smiled back, even though part of me was regretting the whole thing. He seemed like a nice guy, I couldn't deny that. He was also a conventionally attractive guy, but nothing about him really drew me in... not in the same way I realised I'd been drawn to Noah. My stomach flipped at the thought of Noah, and guilt immediately set in. I forced myself to bring my attention back to Dan as he led us out of the building, back to his car.

"Shall I take you back now?" He asked.

"Yes please" I smiled. I noticed a slight look of disappointment wash over him. Clearly, he had other things in mind, but I just wanted to get back to my own bed. Alone.

The drive back was quieter than the way. Once we arrived, I saw Nicholas' car parked outside the house. I immediately prayed all the guys weren't there as I couldn't face their noise and chaos. Especially with how dissapointed I was beginning to feel in how my plan went.

I turned to face Dan and thanked him. He gave me a quick peck on the lips before I could register what was happening. I thanked him again and quickly hurried out of the car, not wanting to give him a chance to try to take things any further.

As soon as I walked into the house, I heard the voice that I'd been trying to get out of my head. Noah's laugh came from the living room, and I made my way through to where they were. It was only him and Nicholas that were over thankfully, but at the same I wished it hadn't been the one person I was trying to avoid that had tagged along.

"How did it go?" Emma asked excitedly, but I was distracted by the way Noah was looking at me for a second.

"Was it that bad?" She spoke again when I didn't respond.

"It wasn't bad, but it wasn't amazing either" I admitted with a sigh. Emma tried asking more questions, but I  told her I'd talk about it another time.

Emma explained that Nicholas and Noah had popped by to grab something off her on their way back home, but ended up staying and chatting for a little while. Noah stayed silent with his arms folded the whole time Emma spoke, and Nick chimed in.

I made my escape as soon as there was chance, making my way to the kitchen. As I spun around after closing the fridge, Noah was stood infront of me making me jump.

"I didn't think you were ready to date?" He said, his tone almost sounding hurt. His dark eyes locked with mine, and I was unable to look away. I finally forced a long, slow blink and looked down at my hands.

"Maybe I thought I was, maybe I was just wrong" I sighed. I felt Noah's presence closer to me, and my stomach began to flutter.

"Or maybe you haven't given the right person a chance" he whispered whilst tucking my hair behind my ear. My mouth dropped open to speak, but before I could form a sentence, he was gone.

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