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What was he doing here, in my restaurant, at this hour? "are you here to now vandalize my restaurant?" I asked with anger completely visible in my tone "woah woah calm down I am not here to hurt you or your restaurant" he says while chuckling which made my anger boil even more. I held him by the collar of his shirt and went close to him with my burning eyes glaring at him piercing through his soul.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I saw him licking his lips I asked "what? What are you doing? Nervous all of a sudden?" "oh no I was just making my lips wet and more tempting in case you are coming to kiss me" he says while grinning like an idiot. I quickly let go of his collar and steps back and says in surprise and mix of embarrassment in my voice "are you mad? Why would you think of that?"

"the way you held my collar and came close to me ofcourse I thought you were going to kiss me" he says while still licking his lower lip making me roll my eyes and I said "clean your dirty brain Mr. daydreamer and come out of your fantasy AND TELL ME WHY ARE YOU HERE?" he chuckled and said "calm down senorita!! You really have got some anger issues". I groaned in frustration "first of all stop calling me that and tell me why are you here?"

 I groaned in frustration "first of all stop calling me that and tell me why are you here?"

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We both sat across each other with her beautiful eyes glaring at me like she is gonna pounce on me any moment. "would you mind speaking or should I call a sign language interpreter?" I chuckled and leaned back against the comfy seat crossing my left leg over my right leg "why didn't you see my texts?" she looked at me dumbfounded and closed her eyes trying to suppress her anger, she said "you seriously came over my restaurant interrupting my personal working hours just to ask why didn't I answer your texts?"

okay that was going to backfire, "technically yes but-" she cut me off by slamming her both the hands on the table and yelled "OUT!" she looked hot "wait wait wait there's more!" I said trying to calm her down "wait? WAIT FOR WHAT? Are we related or something that you came in my restaurant just to ask why didn't I reply to your text?" "Its important I swear!" I said trying to save myself.

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