𝐨. prologue

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━━ prologue.


EVERYONE TOLD LENORE HASTINGS THAT HER FIRST GAME OF CAPTURE THE FLAG WOULD BE SUPER FUN! Yeah, no. Currently, she was lost somewhere in the woods after accidentally wandering away from her team. It didn't help that her helmet kept falling and her shield was far too big for her hands.

They'd barely even explained the rules to her! All they did was chuck her with the blue team, and soon, there were war cries and screaming and people running to their positions.

In all honesty, Lenore had no clue what was going on. It was too much for a nine year-old to handle — being dropped into a world full of greek demigods and monsters; arriving at a supposed safe haven called Camp Half-Blood.

When the activities director, which was a centaur, by the way, had told her they played fun games, she didn't expect this. Maybe a really cool, epic game of hide and seek.

But capture the flag? She was sorely mistaken.

As Lenore trudged through the woods alone, she couldn't help muttering to herself, "This sucks. Everything sucks."

Her helmet slipped a little, obscuring her vision, and she scowled. Lenore threw it onto the ground in a huff, watching as it rolled and rolled until... it stopped at someone else's feet.

She looked up.

In front of her was an asian girl holding a sword, around both her age and height — she was seriously pretty, with long, dark brown hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall, and soft, brown eyes. Lenore had to blink to make sure she was real. She was basically a real life princess.

"Hi." Lenore said, lamely.

The girl snorted, though somehow, she managed to look elegant while doing it. In fact, it was able to make Lenore awkwardly wring her hands as her cheeks grew warm.

She looked Lenore up and down, scrutinising her.

"...You're weird." The girl said bluntly, folding her arms. She kicked Lenore's helmet back to her. "Do you always go around the woods talking to yourself?"

"Not usually." Lenore retorted, "Do you always call people weird when you first meet them?"

"Usually." The girl hummed.

Lenore cracked a smile at that, until she paused and noticed, "Why aren't you wearing armour? How am I supposed to know if we're on the same team?"

"I look better without armour, so I'm not wearing it." The girl shrugged.

"What if you get hurt?"

"Then, I guess I'll look pretty while I'm hurt."

In Lenore's eyes, that was kinda a silly thing to do. But she couldn't help blurting out, cheeks tinged pink, "I think you'd look pretty even with the armour."

It seemed to catch the girl off guard, and she flushed at the compliment. But then she stood up straighter, narrowing her eyes as she scowled, "That's not gonna work."

"What?" Lenore blinked.

"I bet you're trying to distract me." Drew huffed.

Lenore shook her head, furrowing her brow. "Why would I be trying to distract you?"

"We're in a capture the flag game, dummy."


The girl looked down at the ground. There was a short beat of silence as she seemed to think for a moment, until she murmured, "Come closer."

For some reason, the girl's voice made Lenore want to follow her orders. So, she did just that. With a murmured agreement, she walked forward. It was like her body was moving on its own — almost tripping over the helmet as she dropped her shield to the ground, too. It only took three slow steps, until...

"What the—!"

In the blink of an eye, Lenore was upside down, a rope tied to her ankle as she hung from a tree. A broad grin stretched across the girl's face, and Lenore would've admired her if she wasn't stuck in the air. The girl laughed, "You shouldn't trust someone so easily, weirdo."

"That's so unfair!" Lenore huffed, "Let me down!"

"That's just how the games are," The girl scoffed, "it wasn't my fault you walked into a Hephaestus kid's trap."

  Lenore scowled, "Yes, it was! It was your dumb voice!"

"My voice?" The girl questioned, brow furrowed.

   "Yeah, your voice! It made me feel weird."

   "Maybe 'cause you are weird!"

They bickered for a while — a little too long, actually — until Lenore's head started feeling dizzy from being upside down for ages. "Can you let me down, please?"

The girl blinked. "I don't know how to."

"You've got to be kidding." Lenore groaned, "Can't you at least try?"

   Just then, the conch horn sounded.

   Both of them could hear people yelling about victories and whatnot near the river — from the sounds of it, the Ares team had won. The girl smiled sweetly and batted her long eyelashes. "That's my cue to leave. Hope you get out of there soon!"

   "No, wait," Lenore whined, "you can't just leave me here! Come back, you didn't even give me your freaking name!"

   "It's Drew," The evil princess girl yelled, trudging off without even glancing back once, "Drew Tanaka! Have fun dangling there!"

   Lenore had been totally blinded by how pretty she was — guess people were right about judging books and their stupid covers with pretty hair and pretty eyes and pretty everything. Ugh!

   It didn't take long for Drew's figure to disappear into the woods. Lenore was practically fuming; seething with rage... and also about to pass out with the blood rushing to her head.

   Gods, what was wrong with that girl?

   Lenore couldn't believe her! What kind of person would just leave her quite literally hanging? She was so... so mean! Fine. If that's how she wanted to be, then Lenore was perfectly alright with that. From then on, LENORE DECIDED THAT SHE'D FOREVER HATE DREW TANAKA WITH A BURNING PASSION.



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