This was supposed to be just Norman x Sammy- (Asylum Au)

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-but it's mostly just Bendy x Henry!

Also a heavy Trigger Warning!!!

(Half of this was written by my boyfriend, so I'd say all credit goes to him UwU This is written in 3rd person btw)

His name was Norman Polk, he's 43 years old and a therapist. At least that's what he tells his parents. He himself wouldn't consider his job as such. It was more like taking care of ticking bombs and one of those bombs was: Samuel Lawrence, his patient. Norman was supposed to talk to the mad man and try to 'fix' him with medicine and talking therapy. As he pushed Sammy's breakfast through the door, he quickly took a step back just in case. He knew of an incident from two years ago where a man fell in love with one of these creatures. He helped it escape and ran away with it.

"SHEEP!" Sammy yelled from his hiding place behind the thick metal door. The therapist cried out and the cultist held his stomach, laughing cruel laughs. He collected his meal from the floor and regarded it with mild disgust. "This is hardly suitable for an acolyte such as myself. Our lord frowns upon this injustice, my sheep." he said. He still ate, of course. He would need full strength for when his lord returned and pulled him into his sweet (unforgiving) embrace. "Norman, could I perhaps interest you in a scripture?" he asked.

"No Samuel, I don't want to read another love letter dedicated to your 'lord'." Mister Polk ran a hand through his hair, sighing in annoyance. Every time they had a conversation it was about this so-called saviour of the man. Samuel could talk literally hours about how great he was and that he'll set him free. Norman didn't know much about why the guy was locked up, but he quickly figured it had something to do with the 'lord', also known as 'the ink demon', who escaped with the help of his former co-worker. Polk used to be a projectionist, however that didn't last long, so instead he decided to follow in his great grand uncle's and became a therapist. Unfortunately, only the Asylum accepted his job application.

Sammy scoffed, placing hands on his hips. "It is not a mere love letter, it is an ode of devotion and passion!" he said. "But maybe you've never had anything to be passionate about, Norman." he frowned. Sammy thrust his hand through the slot where the food came in, blindly groping until he grabbed Norman's hand and pulled it through. He admired the faintly hairy fingers, tracing a pentagram on his weathered palm. Norman yelled out and tried to pull his hand back, but Sammy was too strong. "Say, you're human! Why, what a coincidence... my lord always favored humans more." he said with bitterness. "Norman, why don't you join me in enlightenment and be my sacrifice to our lord? It is a great honor, and you are rather beautiful after all."

The dark skinned man screamed and tucked at his hand, trying to get the guard's attention. "I don't want to join your crazy ass cult, Lawrence! Let me go!" It took about a minute before a group of armed security guards arrived. They opened the cell and it took all five of them to hold Samuel down. Mister Polk shuddered in fear as he stabbed the man with his emergency needle. Hopefully, Lawrence will be knocked out for the rest of his shift. Norman exhaled loudly as he flopped down on his chair, inspecting his hand where Samuel drew the ink pentagram on. He bit his lip, documenting his newest experience with the patient down, before going to the bathroom.

This job was a nightmare. Norman scrubbed the ink from his palm, grateful that it hadn't been carved in by sharp claws like the pentagrams Henry used to get. His stomach dropped a little, thinking of the smaller man. He hoped he was okay, wherever he ended up. He wiped sweat from his brow with a paper towel and left the bathroom. Mr Polk spent the remainder of his shift in his office, sitting on his plush couch and making notes. There were still ink stains from Sammy's last visit, and no scrubbing could remove them. Norman watched the clock, counting down the minutes before he could go home. "NORMANNNNN..." Sammy half groaned, half slurred. His voice was loud enough it could be heard echoing down the halls. "HOW DARE YOU REBUKE THE GIFT OF OUR LORRRRD!"

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