✨*The Unfinished Monster Pxrno Fanfic I made with my Friend*✨

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(The title was his idea btw :v

Bendy is written by: My friend ❤️

Henry is written by: Me, which is why his parts suck so much 😅

Bendy's p.o.v and Henry's p.o.v change after ever empty line, starting with Bendy's.)

I pace in front of the cell. How to do this? How do I gain his trust?, unresolved thoughts drill into my mind. There is no right way, but perhaps... The glass screams as I run a claw down it. "Oh, Henry...~" my breath fogs up the glass as I grin.

I think I just got a heart attack. If I was still an actual human, I'd be dead by now. There he is, the ink demon, in all of his 'non-existent' glory. His breath fogged up the glass, which is weird, considering the fact this place always has a normal temperature. Except maybe he's the one who's warm? I always thought of him as cold. Figuratively and literally. "H-hi...?"

He's acknowledged me. Good. I can proceed with my plan. "It almost insults me, in a way. To see you like this..." I tap on the glass. "You were unstoppable...Yet so easy to cage..." I draw a smile in the fog. "But I can set you free. For a price..."

Dear god, getting trapped in this cell for god knows how long is already a pain. But a demon taunting you is far worse. I'm talking from experience. "For a price? What do you want, my liver???" Prison or demon? Prison. I'm not falling for someone, who's torn me apart more times than I can count.

"Your companionship... Henry. That is what I want." Unfortunately, he's not as eager to escape captivity as I had planned. "Perhaps I can prove it to you, if you'll let me. Name something, and it will be yours."

Inner peace? Waking up from this nightmare? "Why do you want my companionship of all people? I thought you hated me? What about Sammy Lawrence? He's also in here and would actually help you."

"Sammy..." a hint of growl ribs my voice, "doesn't have the abilities I am looking for. I hate you, that is undeniable, yet I think we could make a promising team. Reality is, I am here for your services. Your ability as a Cycle Breaker. I tire of Wilson's perfect world. Glorious chaos is what I crave. And together, we could accomplish that, Henry."

Who does he think he's talking to? Joey? I might've lost my mind down here, but that doesn't mean I'm going to work for my greatest enemy! "How about... No."

My claws tighten into fists. I won't be denied. However, perhaps I was too abrupt. "Fair enough. You have no reason to confide in me..."...yet. I need to start with something small. "Your hair," I comment, shifting my tone. "it's...interesting."

"Wow, that's one way to say it's a complete mess. Well, sorry, if only I could've known someone as great as you would come around, I would've cut it." I replied sarcastically.

"Perhaps I could cut it for you," I offer. He's insecure about it, and it leaks through his apathetically sarcastic tone.

No. Nonononono. Not gonna happen. That bastard ain't coming any closer! How is he even supposed to get in here? "I'd rather hang myself." I smiled.

"I could also arrange that." I turn my grin into a smile, mimicking him. "Tell you what, I'll collect a length of rope and sciccors, and when I get in there, you can pick which you'd rather do."

If there's a god out there, he hates me. "Fine." I respond in defeat, trying to sound confident. Why me of all people? Couldn't fate just fuck up someone else?

It's not my fault I hate Henry. It's his, because he's a stubborn bastard. Can't he see I'm just doing what's best for everyone? After collecting the promised rope and sciccors, I return to the caged man. I walk through the wall, into the prison. It's a simple as walking through a doorway.

Writing Benry With My Homie ❤️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant