Chapter 12: Takji battle

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At Beyblade player home

Hanami: //appear// Good evening, everyone. Today we will have a little game.

Valkyrie: What's game?

Hanami: The game name is Takji.

Hyperion: *Takji? It's that a game I play long year.*

Helios: What are you thinking, Dad?

Hyperion: Ahh, not thing.

Hanami: If you no have to say, so you guys have to make your own Takji and we will be begin.

All players: Yes.

In the hall

Valkyrie: //stretching//

Achilles: //start own feet//

Fannir: //appear// hello, we meet again. I guess anyone is excited this game, right?

All players: //silent//

Fannir: So don't worry, It's just a little game. So, let's begin the game.

Hanami: //appear// The game is "The king of Takji"

Each player will take a Takji to battle together, when any player can flip there Takji will be win.
End of rules

Hanami: So it's time to choose. Here we go.

Screen: Valkyrie and Belial. Achilles with Spriggan. Helios with Dragon. Hyperion alone.

Hanami: Because is only have 7 player, so Hyperion will play in semifinals.

Hyperion: Nice!

Fannir: All player, are you ready?

All players: //excited//

Fannir: Let

Hanami: The first one is Valkyrie versus Dragon. Please go to stadium.

Dragon: Woaa //surprise// //let on stadium//

Valkyrie: //let on stadium// //walk to stage//

Dragon: //walk to stage//

Hanami: Now, let's begin the game. First, is Dragon's Takji.

Dragon: My Takji is colourful beast, A Rainbow Takji.

Hanami: And next Takji is Valkyrie's Takji.

Valkyrie: My Takji is......a Virgin Takji.

Achilles: Why she is Virgin?

Hyperion: Because she is a Goddess.

Valkyrie play first

Dragon: So, just try a best, please. //throw his Takji in the floor//

Valkyrie: You dare me? Shut up, now. //throw her Takji//

Valkyrie's Takji: //flying//

Belial: Her Takji can fly. //surprise//

Helios: Because she is a Goddess. She had a wing🪽 behind her back.

Valkyrie's Takji: //look at Dragon// //fly fast to him//

Dragon's Takji: //surprise//

Valkyrie's Takji: //flip him//

Dragon's Takji: //try to up//

Dragon: //look focus//

And........ Dragon is safe

Dragon: Lucky~

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