CHAPTER 9( Cordelia x Richter)

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Scene: At night, outside the Sakamaki mansion. Richter stands at the side of a lake.

Richter: (Thoughts) We will soon meet again: (Thoughts) Now... You must awaken now... Cordelia.

Scene: In Yui's room. Yui lies asleep but wakes up suddenly.

Yui: Ah...

Yui feels a strong sensation in her chest.

Yui: Ngh...!(Thoughts) What's wrong with me? My chest hurts again.

Scene: At night, outside the Sakamaki manor. Yui walks along the lake to a crypt. A group of bats flies out of the building at Yui.

Yui: Ah...
Ah! Hey, stop! Ahh...!

Shuu: Oh, be quiet.

Yui: Huh?

Yui peeks around the corner into the crypt.

Yui: Um... Is that you, Shuu?

Yui walks into the crypt to find Shuu reading a music score.

Shuu: Do you want something?

Yui: Ah... I'm sorry to disturb you.
Um, I... Something has been wrong with me recently.
I can hear the voice of a woman who isn't there, and I feel unsteady. I just don't feel like myself.

Shuu: Really? All right, come here.

Yui: Huh?
Ah... Ah...!

Shuu drops the music score and pushes Yui down to the bench.

Yui: What are you doing?
Please... Let me go!

Shuu: Heh...

Shuu bites into Yui's neck.

Yui: Ngh...!

Shuu: Mm... Your blood has changed.
The awakening is at hand.

Yui: Huh?

Shuu: Your blood now...

Shuu wipes the blood dripping from Yui's wound and licks it.

Shuu: It's hot and bursting out now.

Shuu bites into Yui's neck again. Yui pushes him away, but he takes her hand.

Shuu: Your neck isn't the only part of you supplied with blood.
Fresh, new blood also flows through your wrists.
I can tell, even through your skin. It smells good.

Yui: Ngh...

Shuu: Don't move.

Shuu bites into Yui's wrist.

Yui: Ugh...!

Shuu: You have blood of the finest quality. I'll give you that much.
Are you frightened? I'm not opposed to the look of fear in your eyes.

Shuu sits Yui up and bites near her neck.

Yui: Ngh...!

Shuu: Your blood is more delicious than anyone else's. It slakes my every thirst.

Shuu bites into Yui again.

Yui: Shuu, no!

Shuu: So, this is the awakening?
Fufufu... Women are terrifying. I'm all worked up in spite of myself. You're impressive.

Yui: What do you mean by the awakening?

Shuu: Ah...

Yui: Tell me!

Diabolik Lovers💕 (Season 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ