Chapter 6: greenie?

Start from the beginning

I placed a hand on her shoulder before pulling her into a hug.
"Just be more cautious, alright? We'll figure this out together."

With a nod, Mei looked up at me, giving me a small

God, she's gorgeous when she smiles.

"Thank you, Newt. I'll make it up to everyone, I promise."

I lifted her with ease, her form fitting perfectly in my embrace.
"Newt what are you-" she looked flustered,

"Into the slammer you go, you still need to be punished after all" I chuckled at her slightly pink face.

I playfully carried Mei towards the slammer, her protests turning into laughter. As I set her down, she smiled at me, a genuine warmth in her eyes that melted my heart.

"Thank you, Newt," she said softly, her voice filled with gratitude.

I nodded, a smile tugging at my lips. "Just don't break the rules anymore, alright? I don't want to have to keep carrying you into the slammer." I joked.

With a final giggle, Mei entered the slammer and stuck her face out the tiny window of the door. She stuck out her tongue, mocking me.
Then, a mix of emotions swirling inside me. She was beautiful, strong, funny, brave, and determined, qualities that both impressed and scared me.

With that, I made my way back to the glade, my mind still on Mei. She had a way of getting under my skin, and no matter how hard I tried to push her away, she always found a way back into my thoughts.

As I settled down for the night, I couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to get a lot more complicated in the maze. But one thing was certain—I would do whatever it took to protect Mei, even if it meant facing the dangers of the maze head-on.

But did I really feel that way? Or is it just because she's the first girl I've ever seen?


One week passed, and Chuck and I had spent most of our time during breaks, visiting Mei.
Chuck always slipped her some of his food since she was only allowed bread and water.

Of course, Minho and Gally had visited her occasionally.
Thankfully, she was still her cheery, chirpy self.

Is it selfish that I wished it was only the two of us?

Finally, the day arrived when Mei was released from the slammer. I eagerly rushed over to Alby, asking him for the keys with a determined look in my eyes.

Alby chuckled, teasingly dangling the keys in front of me before handing them over. "Alright, Newt. Just don't baby her too much. We still need to teach her a lesson."

I nodded, trying to contain my excitement. Making my way to the slammer.

As I unlocked the door, I saw that beautiful face of hers as it lit up with a smile that could rival the sun.
"Newt!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around me in a hug.

I hugged her back, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. Pulling away I looked at her.

Mei grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Thanks to you, I survived a week, if I had been alone, I would've died of boredom."

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