Hongjoong is ready to evaporate into thin air.

His face is burning with embarrassment and he can only imagine how "professional" this looks.

"Would all of you shut the fuck up? I'm trying to sleep!" Seonghwa's raspy voice is muffled by the sheets but it doesn't lose its effect.

Everyone goes silent.

Hongjoong arches a brow in confusion.

His patient still looks like he's sleeping soundly.

No one dares to move.

"If you don't leave right now, I'll make sure all of you end up in a wheelchair." Seonghwa doesn't even open his eyes as he says this.

Like insects, the employees scatter, and even Hongjoong makes to leave, uncertain about what his role is now, but a hand darts out to stop him, circling around his wrist.

Seonghwa is grinning into his pillow with eyes still closed.

"Not you. You stay."

The nurse can't help but grin back.

They spend the next hour tangled up together, kissing languidly as if they've got nothing but time.


Not once in four years has Seonghwa's father ever shared a meal with him in the apartment, but today is unusual in many ways.

For one, Seonghwa is actually in a good mood.

It's not just one of his better days where things piss him off a little less and he manages to enjoy the menial routines he's constructed throughout the years.

No, he's actually happy.

Like singing in the shower, marveling at the weather, smiling at everything kind of happy.

The very same kind that radiates from all those couples in the ridiculously sappy dramas Hongjoong likes to watch at night.

And for once, Seonghwa understands.

Now that they've not just crossed the line but leaped over it, it's hard to quell these feelings bubbling up in him.

He likes Hongjoong— like a lot.

More than all those unattainable jocks in high school, more than his hapless dates when he first got to college, and definitely more than all those one-night stands when he became numb to the world and spent his nights in a hazy blur.

And dare he say it, he may like his nurse more than Wooyoung.

In a romantic way of course.

He could never really survive without his best friend.

Because Hongjoong is a reality, not a fantasy.

Hongjoong isn't perfect— he still won't cut his hair, he's lost at least three tubes of that coveted cherry chapstick in the couch, he plays his music too loud at night and he puts Joy in outfits every day.

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