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From San:
Fuck this. I'm coming over.

Seonghwa sighs in relief.

They've only been slaving over this track for the last four days with no progress— something is wrong and neither one of them can put their finger on it.

It just sounds off and instead of this back-and-forth over the phone bullshit they've been managing with, San is finally making the trek across the city so they can figure it out in person.


It's not like Seonghwa hasn't been dropping hints over the last few days, desperately wanting to be done with this stupid thing so he can move on to recording the guide vocals for that album for the girl group with a ridiculous name like "lemon tart" or "orange slice" or something.

That project has a deadline and he would like to keep it.

He doesn't blame San for being reluctant to come over; Seonghwa has been somewhat of a recluse for the last two years or so after he finally got his music degree behind his father's back.

He didn't even attend the graduation ceremony seeing as how he would have to roll down the aisle rather than walk.

He's just lucky that San found a company that liked the educated man enough to trust his recommendation to hire Seonghwa despite his request to work from home.

It's worked out pretty well so far, save for days like this when he needs human contact to break through the creative block, but he can bear to have one of his friends in his space for a few hours.

Besides, it will be a welcome distraction from Hongjoong.


Where does he even begin on that subject?

It's been over a week since the nurse started and things have progressed somewhat comfortably.

Seonghwa lets Hongjoong help him just as much as Wooyoung and bath time is no longer a source of pain, thanks to his ingenious plan to move on and fuck his crush out of his system.

The night that Hongjoong had helped him shower for the first time, Seonghwa put up an online dating profile on one of the popular phone apps, looking for a quick something to boost his ego and remind him that he's still human.

At first, he was intent on putting up the most flattering pictures of himself, the ones Wooyoung likes to take of him when they go out for either of their birthdays— all shots of Seonghwa from the waist up with dewy skin, hooded eyes, and lots of collarbone showing.

Looking at those pictures, Seonghwa remembers days where he wanted for nothing and had it all.

He felt good, looked good, and had the world by the balls.

Back then, he never had to worry about someone finding him desirable; women and men alike practically threw themselves at his designer-clad feet.

But despite his wish to feel that way again, Seonghwa knows the reality, so he did include some pictures of him in his chair, still dressed up by Wooyoung, but with the chair nonetheless.

These photos make him grimace; he wonders how many people have laughed at his profile upon seeing them.

Then, miraculously, two days ago, he got a message from a rather cute guy a couple years older than him.

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