Quick Death, Slow Suffering

Start from the beginning

Estimating where Shinji's room could be based on the anime I watched too long ago, I went in blind because I can't remember.

when I said 'went in blind' I just entered through the front door with Rider greeting me with her chain blade going at my face, I immediately reacted by biting the tip of the blade, catching it in my mouth so Rider just pulled it out again 

Rider remained eerily silent, her face with her blindfolds looked at me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. Suddenly, with a flick of her wrist, she conjured chains that seemed to materialize out of thin air, weaving a labyrinthine web across the expanse of the room, trapping everything in their path like the delicate strands of a spider's intricate creation.

However, knowing this won't stop me because I am Mahoraga, I got ready with my sword and launched myself forward, a surge of determination propelling me into action. With a resounding clash, I shattered the chains that barred my way, the metallic links snapping apart like brittle twigs beneath the force of my assault.

Yet, as I pressed forward, Rider's movements became a blur of speed and agility, her graceful purple form darting and weaving with effortless finesse as she wanted to outmaneuver me.

Slowly, she started to cut me, starting from my legs to my neck. Bleeds started forming fast

 Despite her best efforts to confound me with her lightning-quick attacks, enough time had passed

The great wheel turned,

"Your speed which the Rider class holds with pride, has been conquered" I spoke like I was in a TikTok edit

"Nonsense!" Her voice echoed from multiple directions, a disorienting cacophony that seemed to reverberate through the very air around us. Yet, amidst the chaos, there was a strange sensation of time itself slowing

Rider's previously lightning-fast movements began to decelerate, What was once a blur of rapidity now unfolded before me in measured, deliberate increments, her figure moving through the space around us 

Though her attempt to disorient me with her speed had initially proved effective, With my wheel I got a newfound advantage. 

The moment of confrontation reached its climax as I lunged forward, my sword swung. With a swift and decisive motion, I brought the blade down in a vicious arc, aiming directly for Rider's neck.

The metallic edge of the sword sliced through the air with deadly precision, cleaving through flesh and bone as it found its mark. There was a sickening crunch as the blade made contact, severing Rider's head from her body in a single, fluid motion.

With a twisted sense of determination, I wasted no time in delivering the final blow. Gripping Rider's lifeless form by the hair, I tore into her skull with a savage force, my fingers digging into the soft tissue of her brain.

As the beautiful scene unfolded before me, a cascade of gore and viscera spilled forth, staining the ground with a grotesque table of carnage. The scent of blood and death hung heavy in the air, a chilling reminder of the violence that had just transpired.

Yet, amidst the horror of the moment, there was a grim sense of satisfaction, a fleeting sense of vindication in knowing that Rider had been neutralized.

I turned away from the scene of carnage, leaving Rider's lifeless corpse vanishing behind me

Then the wheel spun back, returning Mahoraga to his base state.

"I... I actually have a good chance to speed this up" I was enlightened, I'm pretty sure I just made Shirou skip a filler arc right?

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