[CHAPTER:1] ; The stem of despair.

Start from the beginning

"Alright, dont laugh at my talent or anything but.."  The boy dragged on his sentence.
"My names coiny check, ultimate slapper!"

"My names coiny check, ultimate slapper!"

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Fire squeezed out a chuckle.

"Hey, I told you not to laugh!" Coiny crossed his arms.

"Nonono- I'm sorry, that just sounds like such a fake talent." Firey giggled.

"Same reaction as pin, dam."
Coiny chuckled as well.

"If you dont believe it, then I'll show you it."
Coiny raised his hand and delivered a sharp palm across fireys face.

Firey winced, "ah‐!" He shuddered before raising his own hand and doing the same to coiny.

The two went on doing this continuously for about 2 minutes.

Pin watched attentively. "Right, okay, well. We should go to the gym now."

The two stopped, both nodding in unison. "Yeah, cmon let's go!" Firey said loudly.

Firey walked ahead of Pin and coiny, the two trailed behind him.

Firey and the other 2 soon approached a large door, a nameplate above labeled "gymnasium." Firey looked back at pin and coiny, and coiny nodded. Firey instantly pushed open the door with two hands. When the doors opened, it revealed to the 3 a large gym which contained 12 other super high school level students. Most of them were coversing, expect 2. One of the two looked towards where firey, pin, and coiny came in.

"Aha! Thats so like.. 15 now?"
The one said.

The others, stopped talking to look at them.
".. Isn't it past nine?" A match said outloud, looking at them.
A fresh looking pencil crossed her arms.
".. yeah, which means you guys are late."

The one that had mentioned 15 students was a leaf. "Hey! Come on, that's not very nice." They pointed their finger at them.

The pencil put up their hands as if being caught by a police officer. "Woah, oh no, so not cool." They offered as a response sarcastically.

Firey looked around the gym, there were a few notable faces from things like the web and TV.

Firey went to say something—, but the curtains parted before his mouth did.

On the stage appeared a blue haired— no- skinned? .. it's hair was the exact tone of blue as it's skin and had half of their face sharply painted black, and the eye on the black side was yellow. It wore a tail coat suit top, and black dress pants.

The thing began to speak into a microphone.
"Hello my — .. students!"
It gained alot of stares... "is .. this our headmaster?" Fireys brain asked.

"I will be your headmaster for this year! Monofour!"

"Headmaster..?" , "no way." , "the fuck..?"
The students mumbled amongst each other.

"I hope you all are comfortable here." It said loudly before being interuppted by Coiny.
"I'm not finding it comfortable, acutally." Coiny sounded fairly irrated, "when I woke up, looking around my surroundings, the windows were metal-plated and sealed off!" Coiny exclaimed,  once again, chatter bounced off the gyms walls.

Firey, hadn't seemed to notice at the moment but thinking back on it— he did look over that.

"Oh! That's because I wouldint want anyone to leave, of course." It responded to coiny.

".. and why's that?" A leaf said from the crowd of students. "What about the end of the day where we all go home to our families?"

Monofour stared blankly at the leaf.

"Beause you won't be going home."

The crowd of students burst into a puddle of noises.

Firey looked over at coiny, who had put his hood on and pulled the strings, trying to cover any noises.

Monofour seemed to be talking again,

"But stop!! Theres a way to graduate, or should I say leave."

And everyone shut up, shocker.

"The only way to leave is to murder a peer!"

A wood block began to cry in the distance.

"Yup! You heard me, you can gut, hang, torture, stab, wound, blunt force trauma, or even sacrifice someone! All up to you!"

Everyone was either in shock or crying, besides firey. Firey stood in the middle of the gym, coiny and pin besides him. Fireys unsteady gaze floated around the room, observing everything,  mostly possible escape routes.

Firey felt something heavy in his pocket..

"What you all are confused on currently,  are your monopads! It will hold motives, deaths, and rules!"
Monofour bellowed across the gym.

All the students opened their monopods to review the rules.

Rule #1: Students may reside only within the school. Leaving campus is an unacceptable use of time.

Rule #2: "Nighttime" is from 10 pm to 7 am. Some areas are off-limits at night, so please exercise caution.

Rule #3: Sleeping anywhere other than the dormitory will be seen as sleeping in class and punished accordingly.

Rule #4: With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore Hope's Peak Academy at your discretion.

Rule #5: Violence against headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as is destruction of surveillance cameras.

Rule #6: Anyone who kills a fellow student and becomes "blackened" will graduate, unless they are discovered.

Rule #7: Additional school regulations may be added if necessary.

Rule #8: Once a murder takes place, a class trial will begin shortly thereafter. Participation is mandatory for all surviving students.

Rule #9: If the guilty party is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed.

Rule #10: If the guilty party is not exposed, they alone will graduate, and all remaining students will be executed.

Rule #11: The guilty party may only kill a maximum of two people during any single "Killing Game."

Rule #12: Attempting to break into locked rooms is strictly prohibited.

Most of the students seemed confused, others worried.

"That's all for now!" Monofour cheered, and disappeared.

Firey looked over everyone, most distraught.

Firey rubbed his head for a moment as students began to walk out of the gym.
"I—im gonna.. go." Pin said to firey, and coiny, in a forced calm manner, before speeding off into the crowd.

Firey gave coiny a stare. "Uhm. So.."
Coiny blinked, "Well, everyone's leaving. Meaning we should too, come on, fire boy, let's explore." Coiny stated before wrapping his hand around firey's poor wrist.

And with that, the two ran away.


NERHHEEHEHE 1447 WORDS<33 anyway!! I hope u all enjoyed. Next chapter will most likely be meeting some students! And will take awhile. Mainly due to having to draw all the intros. See u all!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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