17 - Competition

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The fact he'd dance in front of San also kind of spiked the nervousness in Wooyoung even more. Yes, San may have caught him dancing in his room with headphones on every now and then, but it was not the same. He couldn't put his mind onto what it was, but he just didn't want to disappoint him. Even when this wasn't personally Wooyoung but a Taemin choreography, he still hoped for it to look good enough to meet San's expectations. If he even had any. God, I need to stop thinking. I will do my best, that's literally all I can do. And I need to impress Taemin, not San.

Putting his focus back on his idol, he tried to get rid of every negative thought he had by shaking his arms out. Taemin explained some last steps that everyone listened to carefully. Today's plans included learning the choreography roughly with Taemin and his choreographer, building teams of three to four dancers to perfect the dance within everyone's group, and eventually performing it in front of Taemin. He would then proceed to choose three female and three male dancers because that was what he had decided on and didn't care what the dance academy settled with. Wooyoung had to laugh to himself a little at that decision, absolutely loving Taemin's attitude. But it also settled once more that he competed against a good number of dancers to get one of those three spots, so he tried to snap back to seriousness.

After everyone found a group, Taemin announced that they'd start in fifteen minutes. Wooyoung and Jongho, who of course teamed up together, made their way to San and Yunho. Jongho had just followed Wooyoung since he obviously didn't see a problem with greeting his boss and the belonging bodyguard at all. A smirk made its way to San's lips.

"Nervous, you two?"

Jongho bounced on his feet. "Hella nervous."

Wooyoung agreed to the words spoken with a strong nod and Yunho giggled, arms crossed. "You'll do well though, I have no doubts."

Both dancers thanked him, a little more small talk helping both to shake off some of the tenseness in their bodies. Jongho looked both San and Yunho down. "Your outfits are so fitting, you two could join the contest and no one would notice you aren't students of the academy."

"Please, I can't dance a single bit. They would notice, trust me," San laughed with wide eyes, immediately shaking his hands to turn down the idea. Yunho however remained silent, a subtle smirk on his lips thinking about the slightly absurd idea (or joke) Jongho had thrown in the room, and Wooyoung caught up on it first. Like always.

With a grin, he threw his arm around the bodyguard, putting some of his weight on the other. "I mean... technically, we still have a free spot in our team."

"Oh, no- No. I won't steal a potential spot in Taemin's music video from one of the students, but it was a good idea, I won't lie."

All four of them laughed. Wooyoung didn't even think of that, but Yunho was definitely right. Something sparked his interest though, and he put on a fake-hurt expression. "So, you like to dance? Why have you never told me about that?"

"Because it's just something I like to do every once in a while! Not even worth mentioning."

"Promise you'll dance with me one day." Wooyoung threatened by holding his index finger right in front of Yunho's face, waving it around.

San watched the whole scene unfold in front of him, eyes softening when he saw Yunho and Wooyoung mess around some more before they agreed on actually planning something in the future. And just like that, the fifteen minutes were over and Taemin clapped his hands a few times to get everyone's attention.

"Good luck, Wooyo." San had pulled him into a tight hug, Wooyoung melting at the touch and feeling most of his nerves starting to calm down. It was almost as if San had pulled the doubt and anxious feelings out of him by placing his hand on Wooyoung's neck, shaking him just slightly. "You can do it!"

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