15 - The Truth (always comes out)

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Wooyoung woke up to an empty side of San's bed. His eyes opened slowly, the mental drain still evident in his chest. The incident that happened yesterday definitely left a trace of unease inside of him but he didn't want to remind himself of the feeling any longer. Wooyoung lifted his upper body up carefully while letting his eyes travel across the room for a few seconds before exhaling deeply. He was indeed in San's bed, none of it was a dream, and he craved the warmth of the other again.

He didn't know if what he was feeling was right. Or more if the feeling that was settling in his chest would make things harder from now on. If the thing Wooyoung would confront San with soon would turn out to be true, then he couldn't just try to push anything he felt at this point aside as if it was nothing. Because at this moment, every single emotion that was present inside of him danced the messiest rhythm — offbeat and completely out of sync.

Even if he wanted to, there was nothing he could do to sort his feelings.

Wooyoung got up and slid into his blue slippers. After his morning routine was done he made his way downstairs where a pleasant smell greeted him. San made pancakes and Wooyoung was able to tell just from the scent already. He hadn't noticed his presence yet.

Wooyoung sat down carefully, hands resting on the white and glossy surface of the kitchen island while perceiving San. He took in the wide shoulders that still prominently showed through the white t-shirt and eventually let his eyes linger on the (just a little) messy dark hair, the tiniest smile forming on his face. Wooyoung just sat there and observed.

When San turned around, he gasped and his catlike eyes widened. He nearly dropped the plate that held pancakes so perfectly looking that they may as well have been straight out of a Renaissance painting.

"Wooyoung- Good morning."

There was a soft, almost invisible smile on San's face as he placed the first plate down on the table, right in front of the other. "I made pancakes."

"Morning," Wooyoung responded. "They look very nice."

San sat down across from him with his own plate, soon pouring juice into both glasses he put on the table. "I hope they taste as nice as they look."

To Wooyoung they were super good. And San also seemed to be satisfied. It was silent while they ate and for some reason, the lack of sound pressed down on Wooyoung. That could've just been because he had something on his chest he needed to get rid of though. After drinking some juice, Wooyoung observed San intently. Curiosity spread in his chest, but also a glint of bitterness set behind his eyes, and he wasn't sure how to address this. Going with immediate confrontation might be the best to get a possible answer out of him.

"For how long did you know, San?"

He lifted his eyes to meet Wooyoung's for a second, his facial expression changing to a slightly confused one. "Know what?"

He stuffed another piece of pancake in his mouth while waiting for Wooyoung's answer.

"That you saved me from drowning. And I'm not talking about yesterday."

San immediately stopped chewing. He looked up, right into his husband's eyes, and swallowed, not saying a word. Wooyoung waited patiently and lifted his eyebrows to signal that he was expecting an answer.

San sighed before confessing the truth. "I knew from the moment you walked into the room that day."

So it is true. "What day?"

"The..." San averted his eyes. "The casting day."

"The casting day," Wooyoung repeated monotonously, then scoffed. "Wow. And am I allowed to ask why you never said anything?"

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