10 - Lie to him (and to yourself)

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Chandeliers. Jewelry. Dresses of glitter and sequins. Champagne glasses in the hands of people. Everything caught some of the illuminations that went off the spotlights, shining and mirroring the light that tinted the location in white, blue, and red colors, creating the illusion of purple spots where the beams of light crossed.

There was a real band playing. Wooyoung was greeted with the classical tune when they walked in immediately, and although that was not really the genre he'd listen to in his free time, he was not bothered by it. It was the opposite, he welcomed it. All of this was untouched territory for him and he was interested in everything he could see and learn about it.

Wherever his eyes looked, he saw pretty people. They looked elegant in the way they talked, the way they laughed, and even the way they moved. He couldn't help but feel intimidated. What if even one wrong gesture would throw a bad light on San?

A hand gently snuck up to Wooyoung's back. San moved in close to his ear and hoped to be able to deliver his words in a calming manner. "The most important rule is to not think too much, otherwise it will look forced. Okay?"

Wooyoung turned his head to San and nodded once. From his side view, he was able to see Mingi and Yunho walking behind them. Not close enough to breathe onto their necks, but not far enough to let someone pass between them and the couple either. When he looked straight forward again, he let his eyes wander around the location.

They were walking towards a bar. While they did, San already asked Wooyoung what he wanted to drink. The latter answered that he'd just take whatever San would get as long as it wasn't coffee and Yunho chuckled at that.

After each of them got a Coke, they decided to look around some more. Some people greeted San already, but it was obvious that he was looking for something or someone specific. Wooyoung didn't mind that at all. He just followed San, kept his steady and calm walking pace, and let his eyes roam over the decorations.

He felt eyes on him. San must've been known by a lot of people here, and they surely must've wondered who Wooyoung was since everyone knew that his bodyguards usually walked in front or behind him, never next to him. So that must've been what caught the strangers' interest.

People smiled at him, some even greeted him shortly with a handshake. San got caught in a short conversation here and there. It must've been mostly curiosity that caused the people to approach him because all they asked was how the business was going, if his casinos went well, and if he had special plans for the winter. Usually, he answered with smart responses, inviting them to come and see for themselves. Wooyoung wanted to see too, he finally wanted to visit one of San's casinos, but he knew he should still be patient for a little longer. He would embrace it once San thought the moment was right — until then, he'd just continue to wait.

Questions about Wooyoung weren't asked. Maybe the people didn't dare to ask or simply didn't care, but some definitely did acknowledge Wooyoung with a polite smile or a quick glance. He was okay with that if he was being honest. Wooyoung was sure that he wouldn't do a bad job talking to these people, but that didn't change the fact that this still intimidated him in some way. It had been his first time at an event after all, but he was sure that he'd get used to it eventually.

The location was pretty big so it took a while to look at most things. With interest in his eyes, Wooyoung continued to look around and tried to not stand out too much with that. He kept it subtle.

Then, a few steps later, Wooyoung's curious eyes landed on two guys, one around the same height as him and one taller. They were walking straight in their direction. The first guy must've been a businessman too and the second one was definitely his bodyguard. Wooyoung was able to tell by the earpiece the tall guy wore. To his surprise, the two men stopped in front of San, and a weak smile formed on the lips of the stranger.

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