"Why does your master want me?" I questioned. "We aren't quite sure, but if we knew we wouldn't tell you." The sun rose in the sky and the men packed up their camp. "It's time to move, let's go princess." They made sure my hands and feet were tied securely, and flung me over the one of their horses. The nicest man got on behind me and we were off. "Please don't do this, I can tell you're a better person then this..." He was silent, and squeezed my shoulder assuringly.

    We traveled for a day or so and arrived in a clearing. "Don't worry princess, we're almost there. Another hours travel or so." I sighed deeply. What have I gotten myself into? I could've just stayed at home and avoided all of this. I could see a large castle in the distance. What does this person want with me? I decided to at least try and escape.

    Struggling with the rope around my feet, I managed to slide it off. I rocked back and forth slowly, and quickly pushed myself forward and fell off the horse. I managed to land on my feet and took off running. "STOP HER!" Quickly I ran into the trees as fast as I could, dodging trees everywhere. I looked over my shoulder quickly and saw them gaining on me. I took sharp turns, and tried to vanish into the bushes.

    After awhile of running I hid behind a tree as the men ran past. I waited there for quite awhile, and looked around. There was no sign of the men. I whirled around the tree and didn't see the man there. Suddenly, he hit me in the face with the butt of his gun and I went down. The last thing I remembered was him looking down at me smiling. Then, everything went dark.

I'm really starting to feel like a damsel.

~~~Alec's POV~~~

    I tried to follow Elizabeth, but she was too fast. I visited Tabitha to see if she was there. Of course, she wasn't. A few hours passed of me searching for her, and I found her tracks. I borrowed a horse and followed them into the woods. I found a little leaf made hut that was destroyed. It was at this moment I discovered there were about 5 other different sets of footprints. Judging by the broken twigs I sensed there was a struggle.

    What did these people do to her!? I quickly went back to town and got the kings guards to help me. We followed the tracks fast, as days passed and changed. I knew the direction we're heading. There's a powerful man who wants to be a king so bad, but he can't. He's a horrible person who obviously sent his men to capture Elizabeth to gain power. No matter what, we couldn't let that happen. WOULDN'T let that happen.

    I could tell we were nearing the party because the tracks were getting fresher. They were on horses, so hopefully they were traveling slowly. After another hours travel I finally found them. There was 5, like I thought on horseback. I tried to see Elizabeth but failed to. I went ahead quickly and walked across from them in the trees, finally spotting Elizabeth. She was laying across a horse, in front of a man. He had his hands slowly rubbing her back. I couldn't see if she was awake or not.

    Quickly the kings knights and I regrouped and formed a plan. After a few minutes of debating we decided to just move in. Within a matter of seconds we rushed in and attacked. The men were confused but gained composure quickly and retaliated. There were 4 of us and 5 of them, after minutes of battling we had the upper hand and slayed them all but the one with Elizabeth.

    The man took a look at us and took off quickly. We followed and I rode up right next to him. Taking out a rope I hooked it around the horses legs and pulled, causing it to trip and topple over. Elizabeth went flying off and hit a tree, while the man flew the opposite way and hit the grass. I hopped off quickly and rushed to Elizabeth's side. Undoing the ropes, I examined the damage done.

    Elizabeth had a lot of cuts and soon to be bruises. Her arm was bleeding alot and I applied pressure to help stop the bleeding. I called the knights over and they took over for me while I walked to the man. Groaning, he looked at me, "You'll be coming with us, help answer some questions." I kicked him in the face knocking him out and bound him, putting him on the horse. I picked up Elizabeth and got on the horse, holding her in my arms. The knights got on their horses and we headed off towards the palace. Where Elizabeth's new life would soon unfold.

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