Stalker E.A

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Y/N and Ellie were sitting on her couch, eating the Chinese food that had just gotten there a few minutes prior. "So you think... Your neighbor is what?" He asked while munching on some of his rice.

"Dude, I'm telling you! Will is banging my sister, they almost did it in the washing room! Can you believe that?" Ellie scoffed, her face still as angry as it was earlier.

Thankfully said older sister, Delilah, was out doing who knows what. The teens had the apartment to themselves. "Okay that's pretty freaky yeah"

Angrily snatching the box of rice from Y/N's hands Ellie stress-ate. "Like she can't just not be a slut for 2 seconds! And then I have to take care of the place while she's out slutting around" 

Y/N had never really seen his friend this angry, ever. So it was kind of like navigating a minefield with no information at all. Was he supposed to blindly agree with her, or tell her the facts?

"Maybe Delilah's just lonely..? I mean the girl has been single for how long now?" He said as softly as possible, but from the look Ellie was giving, he had done the wrong thing.

"Oh so you're on her side now? There goes my best friend..." She mumbled and scooted away from Y/N, still eating her rice. "What? No! I'm still on your side, just... Maybe Will is her guy..? Maybe they'll be more than just a fling"

Ellie glared at Y/N a bit longer before sighing. "I guess that could be true" She went back to her previous position right next to him. "It just feels like... Everything in my life is somehow involved with her, y'know? I was friends with Will before her, and now she's all on him"

Deciding that his friend needed some comfort, Y/N leaned into her side. "I get it, same thing with my mom honestly. Like I can't just experience things myself, she always has to be there in some form"

Looking up at Y/N, Ellie's eyes flickered down to his lips for a second. "You always know what to say" She mumbled, their faces inches apart.

"Well... That's just my superpower" He joked softly, not pulling away at all. "It's a pretty damn good one" Ellie giggled before full-sending it, leaning forward and giving Y/N a smooch.

Which he wasn't really ready for, but who actually was ready for their first kiss? Anyways, Ellie and Y/N both shared their first kiss on her couch.

Their arms entangled with each others.

And then the topic of conversation busted through the door. "Hey! I leave for like five minutes and you almost ruin your life"

Sensing this was going to be an argument, Y/N smoothly slid himself off the couch. But Ellie grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Ruin my life? Oh, so when you hook up with Will it's what? What's that called? Huh?"

Now Y/N really did not want to be here, I mean who willingly put themselves in a argument between two people. 

Apparently Y/N did. "I think we should all just calm down here, me and Ellie were just hanging out" 

Peeking past the two, Delilah saw the Chinese on the coffee table. "And you ordered food with my money? Yeah real mature Ellie"

"Is it mature when you sleep with our neighbor? Who also happens to be a friend of mine, are we calling that mature now?"

Delilah scoffed and stared Ellie down. "Actually Ellie? I'm an adult, so whatever I do with my spare-time is up to me.

Before the younger Alves sibling could say anything else, she got cut off. "You do all this shit, acting like you're so grown. When you live under my roof, in my apartment, and you have the audacity to now follow simple things I say!"

Jenna(And her characters) Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now