First time W.A[Smut]

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In Wednesday's dorm room, her and her lover laid together in bed. More specifically she was in his lap.

Their lips pressed together as they embraced each other, Y/N's arms around her waist. His tongue poking her bottom lip.

While having no experience in anything related to boys besides Y/N, Wednesday let his tongue slid into her mouth.

Muffled moans leaving her throat as she enjoyed the kiss, the two really just started only 8 minutes ago.

But to really understand how this began, we need to go back a bit.

An hour prior with Wednesday and Enid..

Sitting at her desk, Wednesday typed away at her type-writer. Working diligently on her novel, and Enid was on her bed. Just boredly scrolling through TikTok.

"Hey, have you and Y/N had your first time yet?" The sudden question actually managed to catch the Addams off guard.

Clearing her throat, Wednesday made sure to wipe the slight blush off her face before turning towards Enid.

"Excuse me?" Raising her brow, the raven-haired girl stared blankly over at her best friend. Her eyes narrowing.

Shrugging, Enid sat up and looked at Wednesday. "Just curious, y'know? Wondering if my friends get it on or not"

"Our sexual activity is not information that you need to know, so if you'll excuse me-"

Enid decided to press the topic. "Knowing you, the answer is probably no" She was playing a dangerous game by cutting her off.

Thankfully Wednesday was feeling merciful today. "Firstly, do not do that again. Secondly what me and my boyfriend do is no concern to you"

With a smirk, Enid stood up from her bed. "Oh while I could believe that.. I have evidence that proves otherwise"

"Last week, right after Y/N went back to his own dorm. I caught you in the bathroom.. Doing something not very appropriate" 

Wednesday's eyes glared a hole into Enid's face, she too stood up. Not one to back down as she stepped closer. "And why exactly were you spying on me?"

"Hey! I wasn't spying on you, it's our bathroom and I had to use it. But you were in the shower"

Remembering the day vividly, Wednesday feigned ignorance. "I really don't understand what you're getting at."

"You were touching yourself! I heard you moaning about Y/N or something!" Enid revealed her ultimate trump card.

"You will not utter a word about that to anyone-" Wednesday was once again surprised as Enid cut her off. A grin on the werewolf's face.

Leaning in, she whispered into her best friends ear. "I'm not telling anyone.. But I can set you two up, I can go out and leave you two alone"

Pushing Enid away, Wednesday clenched her fist. "Absolutely not! You sound idiotic, having sex in high school is never a good idea."

"Well you seem to disagree, roomie" Enid felt as if she was winning, her arms crossed smugly. "Why else would you be moaning about him? Admit it, you want him"

For once, the goth-girl seemed to be backed into a corner. The facts were against her at the moment. 

While not exactly happy with what was happening, Wednesday raised her brown again. "Let's say you're correct, which you aren't, but why would this concern you?"

Jenna(And her characters) Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now