"Why didn't you tell me you knew something about me earlier? Before, that doll said you couldn't help me and that you couldn't see my memories. So why did you lie to me, and why are you suddenly helping me now?" Jordan asked, slightly raising her wings.

But the woman suddenly raised her hand in a motion that said 'wait', and it confused the brunette so badly that she actually followed the command.

"There are certain things I cannot say. I'm sorry. But....take this. It may not seem like anything, but it will hold a key part of what you're looking for. Only if you're willing to face it" The woman said, a bright light appearing in her hand.

Jordan stared at the light. It wasn't blinding in the slightest. In fact, it was oddly familiar. Gold mixed with white and outlined with an odd gray color. It beckoned her closer, like a false hope that wanted to show her what she could never have. Is this what she thought it was? Was this answer she had been waiting for the entire time? She heeded the woman's warning. Was she ready to face whatever this would be?


Living with the pain was better than living in the dark.

Without wasting another second, Jordan reached forward and her hand connected with the light. Once it did, everything went dark.


Pain is what woke her up, but the warm feeling spreading throughout her body is what brought her back to her senses. Her head no longer hurt, and as she slowly opened her eyes, she was blinded by a bright light. The light died down not even a moment later and she found herself looking at....something. She didn't exactly know what it was. It looked kind of like a giant eye, with two wings folded above it, and two wings folded below it. And two more wings keeping it suspended.

What the hell was she looking at? Some kind of eldritch horror? The surrounding area was bright, and this thing was...hellish.

"You must be confused. But fear not. Your tragic life is over. Jordan Battiloro, I welcome you to Heaven."


"The wings take a long time to get used to. The Heaven-made have the advantage cause they were literally born with them. But don't worry. You'll be flying around in no time and living the life of your dreams. Maybe you'll even get the chance to rank up if His messengers see greater promise in you." He said, spreading out his white wings.

Her own were still plastered to her back, because she didn't know how to move them yet. Hopefully she would learn that one day. Until then....perhaps it was time to start asking question. She didn't know how much time had passed but since her memories were less blurry, she was starting to remember what happened to her.

"Have you seen anyone up here that looks like me? I'm trying to find my father." She asked.

The man only blinked.

"Well it's hard to tell if anyone was family before they died because appearances differ depending on what a soul chooses to look like. But all human souls are now intricately linked. So since you should definitely have been able to sense his soul by now." He explained.

Now it was her turn to blink at him.


And Icarus Looked Straight Into The Sun As He Burned(Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now