2 - The Kitchen

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Cassandra was incredibly intrigued by this new girl. She had never been so fascinated by one of the maidens they've had over their many years of life. This one was certainly different. And it wasn't the lack of words that she spoke, because there have been those in the past that refused to speak a word to them unless she literally tore their voice from their body through pain. It wasn't even the fact that she was pretty. She certainly was. She herself almost got lost in those beautiful crystals eyes, wanting nothing more than to gouge them out and preserve such a color forever.

None of this. It was really the fact that she sensed this girl had a secret. It's been about two days since she arrived. Although Jordan had yet to fully disclose anything aside from her name, she knew there was something hiding underneath the surface. So as she slowly stalked towards the bed that Jordan slept on, she remained staring at her. The staff had managed to get her some properly fitted clothing under short notice and she now wore a long-sleeved purple shirt with the Dimitrescu crest stitched on the shoulder. She wore black silk pants and the bandages around her feet were still there.

"You intrigue me more and more each day. I know I'm not supposed to play too rough with you until you're fully recovered, but perhaps a little taste won't hurt..." Cassandra said, leaning down to the girls bedside.

She bare her fangs at their full length, and gently sniffed the girls flesh. She could smell her blood so closely now. It smelled so sickeningly sweet. Tantalizing. Blood she's drank in the past was always so bland and bitter. It's only made better by taking chunks of their flesh with it. But she couldn't eat this one. Not yet. So at the very least, she can finally have some good blood.

"Cassandra. What are you doing? We were told that we weren't allowed to drink from her until she recovers. These were mother's orders." Bela said, appearing at the other end of the bed.

"Ugh. Leave it to a prude like you to spoil the mood. I don't see the big deal. I just wanted to have a little taste. It's not like I'm going to drain her dry." Cassandra said, straightening herself back up as she glared at her sister.

"Mother said we weren't allowed to. I know you just love to ignore her in favor of your own wants, but she made a decision and we need to respect that." The eldest sister said, narrowing her eyes back in return.

Cassandra growled and pulled herself back from Jordan. She hated to acknowledge it, but earning the disappointment of her mother was far worse than anything. Of course, she would never in her dreams think to admit that aloud. She had her own pride after all.

"There you go again with your bossy little leader voice. I just know you want to dig into her as much as I do, sister. I mean, she does have a nice figure. Maybe not a lot of meat on her bones, but I'm sure it'll be tasty nonetheless." Cassandra taunted, knowing full well that it would get under her sisters skin.

"I'm not as impulsive as you heathens. I know when the right moment should be. And when she's still recovering, I know she won't be any fun at all to mess around with." Bela responded, crossing her arms.

"Having fun without me, sisters? I was wondering where everyone went. I thought mother said not to mess with her yet." Daniela said, appearing suddenly at the foot of the bed.

Jordan still had yet to even wake up despite the commotion that the group was causing. Which was....quite odd. But maybe it was because her body was still trying to adjust and get her enough rest to replenish the blood cells she's lost over the time she's been there. Curiously, Cassandra reached forward and slightly moved the base of the shirt up and away from Jordan's body.


"I'm not going to do anything, sister. But I am rather curious of something." The brunette said, staring at the girls bandaged wound.

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