16 - Walk

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Preparing for the journey was definitely not easy. Even though the village square connected all points of the village, there was going to be a lot of walking. Their first stop would be the Beneviento manor, which was apparently further away than Jordan thought. A long trail and even a rope bridge between there and here. She couldn't imagine living so isolated like that.

She still wasn't too sure how on earth Daniela managed to conviction Lady Dimitrescu to let her do this little trip, but she was thankful regardless. She really needed this.

Jordan sighed as she stretched her wings out behind her. They nearly knocked over the lamp in her room but she luckily managed to avoid doing so. She had been given a warmer outfit of sorts today. A wool shirt and cotton pants along with the regular snow boots. She had the proper holes cut for her wings this time, much to her satisfaction. She actually felt...decently well. No fatigue. No dizziness. No pain. No soreness. Everything was well.

She was a bit nervous about taking the trip, but she knew she wouldn't be harmed. Especially with the three sisters watching over her.

"Jordan? Are you ready to go?" She heard Alina ask from the other side of the door.

"Y-yes...I'm ready." She said, pulling her wings back in.


"Daniela stop chasing the birds. I get that you're excited but some of these are Mother Miranda's familiars. If you kill them then she'll get mad." Bela warned her sister.

The redhead groaned and the sickle disappeared from her grasp. But her boredom was almost immediately satiated by Jordan grabbing her hand in order to distract her. Daniela immediately made an excited noise and linked their arms together. Jordan extended her wing out and wrapped it around Daniela. This only seemed to spur the girl on as she pressed herself closely to the angel.

They had been walking for a bit now. They certainly hadn't been lying when they said that this Beneviento person lived far away. The path was long and narrow and it was obvious that Daniela was getting restless because she was moving anywhere and everywhere and messing with everything possible.

"Jordan, if you keep indulging her like that, you might get her too excited. We need to be calm when we go here cause Aunt Donna isn't exactly a fan of Daniela's....eccentrics. But that's because she has a bunch of fragile things." Bela said, turning back to the group.

"Oh? It sounds like someone is jealous of the attention that little Dani is getting. Do you think you're falling behind maybe?" Cassandra teased.

"Ugh. I don't want to hear it from you of all people." The blonde vampire said, nearly snarling at her sister.

While the two bickered back and forth, Daniela and Jordan remained arm in arm. Jordan didn't mind indulging the girl if it meant she wouldn't be bored. She had grown rather fond of her and her excitable nature, and she had also figured out the things that would easily calm her down. Such as gestures like this. And Jordan herself didn't mind it. Physical touch with any of the sisters had become rather normal for her since they were very touchy.

"Hey. Hey Jordan. Do you still love me?" Daniela suddenly asked, catching her off-guard.

Jordan raised an eyebrow at the other and pulled her closer with her wing. She didn't know what brought this up. She thought she had been attentive enough, but maybe she did something wrong. Now she didn't like to lie to them, but in these cases, it was best to go with it. She was attached to them and was incredibly fond of them as well. But love was such a strong and binding word and she didn't want to cause a fight among them by saying it aloud. So she gave a small nod of her head, resulting in Daniela smiling.

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