5 - The Reveal

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(A/N: TRIGGER WARNING - flashbacks of past sexual assault and other thing eluding to rape)


[3 Days Later]

Over the past three days, Jordan had grown surprisingly close to the sisters. And it wasn't just because they refused to leave her alone. Despite their differences, they actually found comfort in one another. What was the saying? Misery loves company? That was certainly the truth when it came to the strange bond they had.

Well, it would be more accurate to say that she had more of a bond with Bela and Daniela. Cassandra continued to stalk her from the sidelines, waiting for a moment where she was alone. However, whether it be the maids or the other sisters, there hasn't been a time where at least one of these people weren't in the room aside from when she was asleep. And she was grateful for that. She dreaded the day that she was alone with Cassandra again. The promise of harm lingered in her mind, always the reminder that she was never fully safe.

Her mind began to drift off again, and she found herself huddling against the headboard of her bed. Her thoughts were swarming with questions she's had recently.

What was her life like before? Did she have friends? Was her personality different? Did she have parents? If so, how did she end up in a sex trafficking ring? Did they sell her? Did they lose her? Did she....did she do something that would've made them want to give her up? Was...was she even a good person before all this?

Jordan began to fall deeper and deeper into her own mind. And considering the dark and dreary place it's been so far, it was depressing. More thoughts began to plague her mind, but they became much more broad.

What was the world like past this village? Was it just like this place of blood and death? Was this the only safe haven around here? Did she even know what year it was? How old was she even?!

The brunette clutched the sides of her head and buried her face in her knees. It was awful. This feeling was utterly unbearable. Terrifying. She didn't know so many things about herself, and even about the world around her. The world could be burning to the ground right now and she wouldn't even know about it. Without realizing it, her breathing began to speed up and she began to hyperventilate. She was growing lightheaded as well and that didn't help the situation.

Faintly, Jordan heard the sound of buzzing. She was a bit too out of it to really comprehend it, but she lifted her head and managed to spot the swarm of flies beside the bed that was forming into a person. She couldn't make out which of the sisters it was, but she did manage to spot blonde hair peeking out of the cover of the hood. She wasn't fully aware of her actions after this, but she felt herself moving before her vision tunneled in again.

"It's okay, Jordan. I'm here. Rest easy knowing that I'm watching over you, cutie." A familiar and comforting voice said.


Nails dug into her shoulders, so deeply that it was starting to draw blood. But she wouldn't scream. She wouldn't give this man the satisfaction of knowing that he hurt her enough. And her lack of reactions was clearly getting on his nerves because he seized her by her hair and yanked her back into a position that was more than painful for her spine. A growl tore its way from her throat, but she still didn't say anything else.

"You're really starting to get on my nerves, girlie. I paid damn good money on you, so you'd better start making some noise. I got a special pass to make some marks on you because they said your body doesn't get scars. Must be a holy thing, huh?" The man said, releasing her hair and causing her to collapse on the ground.

And Icarus Looked Straight Into The Sun As He Burned(Rewritten)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora