My Hero Academia | Unknown Encounter

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"Thirteen, protect the students." Aizawa was the first to step forward, putting his hands in front of the students so they would not follow him at all. "(L/N), don't let them get their hands on you."

"Understood!" Thirteen responded.

"Aizawa-sensei!" Izuku exclaimed. "You...well, Eraserhead's Quirk isn't suited for close combat! How are you going to take them on when you are a surprise-type fighter?"

"Midoriya...a hero doesn't only have one trick."

Aizawa placed his goggles on his eyes and he rushed down the stairs with quickness. Eraserhead leaped to the sky as he eyed the villains. Some of them rushed Eraser head on, and the pro hero kept his cool as he landed on the ground.

"Who does he think he is?!"

"Let's take this guy down!"

"Wait, you idiots—!!"

For the first two villains, Eraser incapacitated them by wrapping his ropes around them. Izuku awed as he lifted them both up with ease and slammed them to the floor. Eraser moved with quick speed, punching and capturing villains one by one.

"That's Eraserhead! He can cancel your Quirk with a look! Don't let that guy see you, or your Quirk isn't going to work at all—gah!"

"Don't need to tell me twice—ugh!!"

Eraserhead was easily making quick work of the incoming villains. Tomura scratched his neck as he saw his pawns fall one by one, and he knew that Eraser was going to reach him soon. Kurogiri took the chance to zoom towards Class 1-A.

"Damnit!" Eraser turned as he saw Kurogiri head for the class, but he was stopped from going to them by a couple of fodders. "I kept my eyes off of him for one second...and he got away...!"

"Greetings..." Kurogiri said as the class fully turned around to see Kurogiri form again in front of them. "...we are the League of Villains. Our goal here is to kill the Symbol of Peace, All Might, and to capture the student known as (Y/N) (L/N)—"

Kurogiri's eyes focused on you. In that moment, however, Katsuki and Eijiro took the chance to attack him already. Katsuki could feel his Quirk connect with Kurogiri as a gust of smoke enveloped the area only for a few seconds.

"Did you really think we would just let you attack us and get away with it unscathed?!" Eijiro grinned as he crossed his arms and hardened them. "Think again, villains!"

"That was close..." Kurogiri muttered as he stepped back, and you saw a metal neck piece but it was quickly covered by the purple fog like property and you could tell Katsuki noticed as well.

"Get back, you two—!" Thirteen exclaimed.

"Don't move...!" You said, your voice a little raspy as you held your blade to Kurogiri's neck and it surprised him and the rest of Class 1-A as you gripped your blade tightly with your fist.

"I let my guard down...!" Kurogiri thought. "We severely underestimated this kid...that speed reminded me of All Might...! Not to mention, he's already figured out my powers!"

"Keep him like that, (L/N)-kun!" Thirteen said and she walked over to make sure you weren't in the way of her Quirk as you kept your eyes on Kurogiri. "I will get him as soon as I can—!"

But in that moment, you gasped as you felt the presence of Nomu behind you. Nomu gripped its fists as the rest of the class gasped. Nomu hit you across the head as you tried to turn, sending you flying away.

Midair, you looked as Nomu only looked straight at you. After that, you tried to keep your eyes as it prepared to leap towards your location with full power. The rest of the class didn't move as it leaped and you crashed on the ground.

You could feel yourself slowly lose consciousness from the full force punch, but you couldn't waver. Instantly, Nomu rushed you down with immense speed as a gust of wind pushed the rest of Class 1-A behind as you hear Kyoka yelling for you.

"Am I going to die...?" You held your sword in front of you but Rika had no other choice but to interfere and she grappled with Nomu right away, the two of them battling for dominance. "Rika—!"

Don't touch him...!!!

Rika proceeded to claw at Nomu and punch it towards Eraser direction. Eraser was able to dodge as Nomu crashed on the ground and so did you a couple of meters away. The fall was bad, but you had no other choice but to get back up.


Rika cried as she restored you herself, you gasping for air as you took your blade. You had broken your arm from the fall, but it was quickly healed as you made your way towards the middle. You could feel your ears ring badly as Nomu got back up.

"What is that thing...?" Tomura frowned as he eyed Rika from afar and you got closer now. "Oh well. It isn't anything Nomu can't handle anyway. I've changed my kill the brat."

You had to move quickly as Nomu rushed you head on. You took your blade and dodged the incoming fist. Widening your eyes, you noticed that Rika's earlier scratches had actually been restored.

Still, you were hit by Nomu's back fist as you crossed your arms. Breaking your guard, you could feel your sword slip from your grasp as you tumbled towards the middle of the USJ, everyone else seeing it happen from atop the stairs.

"(L/N)—!" Eraser yelled.

You now had dried blood oozing out of your head as Rika closed up the wound, hiding herself from everyone. You took a deep breath, taking your blade from the floor. Tomura grinned as Nomu stomped towards you and you slowly walked towards it as well.

"Isn't he perfect?!" Tomura yelled proudly. "Nomu was designed to kill the Symbol of Peace himself! How can you, a little brat with no knowledge of battle, ever match Nomu?!"

Blood dried up around your cheeks and eye, and you looked at Nomu, who awaited orders from Tomura to attack you. You felt your hair fly up and you rushed Nomu with full speed. Nomu had no other choice but to attack you as Tomura changed its orders to kill you.

You held your blade up to hit its neck and Nomu aimed a left punch to your chest. The blade neared the neck and you didn't pay attention to the incoming punch.

It all depended on whose strike landed first.

End of Chapter

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