My Hero Academia | Deku vs Kacchan

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"I don't see Kacchan anywhere..." Izuku said to Ochaco as the two of them ran in the building, searching each hallway for any sign of a trap. "...I'm getting kind of worried about this—"

"Found you, Deku!!" Katsuki yelled and Izuku looked at the other end of the hallway and now the two of them were right in front of his palm.

"Ururaka!" Izuku yelped before he leapt and protected her from an explosion that blew off half of his mask. "You'll have to get away from go and disarm the missile from Ida!"

"Are you—okay!" Ochaco hesitated at first but she left the hallway and went the other way, now looking for the missile by herself as Izuku slowly stood back up, facing Katsuki.

"Deku..." Katsuki growled.

"Kacchan..." Izuku said.

"Deku, I'm on the fifth floor!" Ochaco said via a communication device as Izuku widened his eyes. "Ida is up here too, but he's all alone!"

"So Kacchan left him behind and went rogue..." Izuku frowned slightly, eyeing Katsuki. "...this is good. Now I know what to do...!"

After that, Katsuki was quick to aim a right hook towards Izuku after a short run. Izuku grabbed his arm with precision, to Katsuki's surprise, and tossed him over his shoulder and slammed him on the ground with full physical force.

"You always start your fights with a right punch!" Izuku said, as Katsuki slowly got back up. "I'm not the weak Deku you knew before! From now on, Deku is the name of a hero!"

"Shut up!" Katsuki said, blasting him as Izuku went flying towards the end of the hallway and Katsuki rushed him at once. "I won't listen to you, Deku! I'm just going to blow your ass up!"

Izuku crossed his arms as Katsuki did a right hook but changed it into a right palm. Katsuki blasted him but used the momentum to make a leap up. Katsuki aimed his right hand to the side as he blasted again, using his left to blast Izuku's back.

"Gah—!" Izuku yelled.

"These gauntlet really do help a lot!" Katsuki leapt back and found himself back in the hallway, holding the pin to his right gauntlet. "I can store all the sweat I want in these and unleash a full power blast!"

"Young Bakugo! Do not use that—!"

"He'll be fine as long as he dodges it!!" Katsuki yelled with a grin as the large explosion blasted Izuku, but he was able to dodge so he wouldn't take a lot of damage.

"Use your Quirk, you damned nerd!" Katsuki yelled as he rushed Izuku again, who was on the floor. "Show me that power again! Otherwise, you will die here at my feet!!"

Izuku widened his eyes as he made his resolve, and he yelled as he rushed Katsuki. Both fighters yelled loudly for a final clash, Izuku preparing himself with a full power punch with One For All, which excited Katsuki right away.

Katsuki prepared his left gauntlet, which he did not use to try and counter Izuku's punch. However, once Katsuki blasted Izuku, Izuku aimed his punch to the roof, blasting through multiple floors.

On the fifth floor, Ochaco and Tenya felt the force of Izuku's punch shake the floors. Ochaco took advantage of the flying debris and made her way towards the missile. Stunned, Tenya looked and tried to find a way to stop her.

"Stop, hero!!" Tenya yelled.

"I got it!" Ochaco grinned as she grabbed the missile herself, effectively disarming it and Tenya could only watch as his team lost, and Katsuki felt it as well from five floors below.

"You..." Katsuki said.

"It was the only way I could win this match..." Izuku groaned as the blast had hurt him very badly as he fell forward to his knees. "...but in the end, I did lose to you..."

Izuku collapsed but Katsuki knew that he was the one who actually lost the match. Gripping his fists, Katsuki stomped off. Katsuki felt his heart race as he remembered a faint memory of a younger Katsuki helped by a younger Izuku. need help?

. . .

"What a match..." You said.

"Heck yeah, Midoriya!" Denki said.

"He really pulled it off..." Mina said as well.

"Even though Bakugo totally beat him up in their fight, Midoriya's resolve ended up winning him the match." Momo said. "Still, he is critically injured so I wouldn't count this as a win for him."

"(Y/N), could you—?" All Might asked.

"Yes, sir, right away!" You ran off.

"Wait, but he can't—" Kyoka said at first.

"I know his limits, Young Jiro." All Might said as you left the room. "I wanted to test him earlier too by putting three villains instead of two. Since he's proved himself, I truly believe he can help Young Midoriya right now."

"He has faith in his students..." Shoto thought, eyeing All Might. "...especially Midoriya. Something feels off to me about that, but I'll have to find out about that later..."

"Still, what a crazy match!" Eijiro said.

"That's what I said!" Mina agreed.

. . .

"(Y/N) (L/N). A truly special student who is being possessed by the cursed spirit known as Rika Orimoto. He is powerful and dangerous and should not be engaged, Shigaraki."

"Why would I care about some brat?" Tomura asked the device to his left as he took a sip of alcohol. "I'm here to kill the Symbol of Peace, not to stage some kidnapping..."

"It is Master's orders, you fool..."

"He's right, Shigaraki." Kurogiri said, who is the assistant of Tomura and was the bar attender for he cleaned a cup with a rag. "We should listen to this man and take the necessary precautions."

"Alright..." Tomura stood up from his seat. "...still, I have no personal interest in this kid. You can have him once I capture him, but don't expect me to actually care."

"I'm terribly sorry for Tomura's rudeness." Kurogiri said to the device. "Go ahead and report to Master that we will be conducting his orders as he pleases. I will oversee Tomura's invasion myself."


With that, the device shut down.

End of Chapter

A Twisted Curse (My Hero Academia X Male (Yuta) Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz