My Hero Academia | U.S.J

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"I'd like to make an announcement."

Izuku stood up and he walked towards the front of the class as soon as everyone came back from the chaos that was lunch. Izuku stood firm as his eyebrows slightly frowned, but he did speak with kindness in the end.

"I have a proposition." Izuku said. "Earlier today, you guys voted that I would be the one to be the class representative...but I want to nominate Tenya Ida to take my place instead."

"Midoriya...?" You eyed him.

"He was pretty manly when he got everyone to settle down back in the cafeteria..." Eijiro said as he rubbed the back of his head. " I do agree with Midoriya in a way."

"Can't disagree with logic." Hanta grinned.

"Same here!" Yuga said, flashing his face.

"Yes, I agree." Fumikage responded.

"I guess this is settled!" Izuku said.

"What about the vice representative?" Denki suddenly asked and everyone turned to him. "I mean, we didn't exactly vote for one earlier...but we should have a backup for sure."

"In that case, I vote for Momo." You grin.

"Huh—you really do?!" Momo said, blushing.

"Yeah, she'd make a great vice president!" Eijiro made a fist as the others nodded, except for Shoto who really wasn't the kind of person to nod anyway. "I guess that settles everything!"

"Yeah!" Izuku nodded.

"Good, now move kid." Aizawa said, making Izuku yelp as he headed back to his seat. "Since we have our class and our vice representatives settled, I have an announcement to make to you guys."

"We have a new facility called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint." Aizawa said to the class. "We'll be using today as a practice rescue exercise. Suit up and we'll board a bus for the exercise."

"U...S...J." You counted with your fingers.

"That sounds like Universal Studios Japan..." Kyoka chuckled and so did you as she grinned. "...but geez, what a lame name. You would think U.A would give an off-campus facility a better name."

. . .

"Say, who has the best Quirk out of all of us?"

"I'd say it is Bakugo." Eijiro said.

"You must be crazy, man." Denki waved as he wrapped an arm around you. "It has to be (Y/N), dude, have you seen all of his abilities?! This guy is crazy powerful!"

"You're only saying that because he beat you." Tsuyu said, making Denki's face twitch as he eyed Tsuyu. "But I do agree with what you say. I believe he's got the best powers."

"You guys really think so...?" You wondered.

"Think about it." Kyoka said. "You can heal. You can use a special type of energy that enhances your body and you are a great swordsman. You have the highest potential out of all of us."

"Hey, don't discount Todoroki though." Hanta said as Shoto closed his eyes. "He totally froze the entire building in the last battle trial, so he's got some great potential with his Quirk!"

"He's cool too, but he's a little too quiet..." Momo said, eyeing him from afar. "...I don't really get what goes through his head sometimes, but he's a good option."

"Say, haven't you guys every thought about Midoriya's Quirk?" Tsuyu asked, and Izuku panicked after her next statement. "I mean, it is an awful lot similar to All Might's Quirk, isn't it?"

"Nah, because All Might doesn't get injured every time he uses it." Eijiro said. "It would be crazy powerful if you could control though, Midoriya. You'd be crazy powerful if you could."

"I guess we have our top three." Toru said, raising each finger as she listed the names. "(L/N)-kun, Bakugo-kun, and Todoroki-kun. Those three have the best Quirks to be professionals."

"Eh, not really." Tsuyu interjected. "Bakugo is way too angry to become a professional. Dude needs to find a way to calm down, or he could probably never be a professional hero."

"What did you—?!" Katsuki said.

"Yeah, it does need work." Denki said.

After what felt like an hour, the students got off the buses and stepped out to see the waving rescue hero named Thirteen. The girls awed and eyed her cuteness and short stature as Thirteen blushed from within her suit.

You adjusted the golden button by your chest area before looking towards the enormous facility. At this point, you were no longer surprised by the immanence funding behind the place. U.A kept surprising you before, but now it felt normal.

"Hey guys...!" Thirteen waved afterwards.

"Hello!" Class 1-A responded politely.

"This is the USJ." Thirteen said as the students followed her inside. "Students like yourselves need to know that a hero is here to rescue people, and isn't all about fighting the bad guys."

"Woah..." Eijiro said.

"So many different sites to choose from..." Denki eyed the various spots like a ruined city, a boat in the middle of a lake, a mountainous area, and even an area with an icy climate.

"We are here to rescue people, after all." Thirteen said. "That is one of the true purposes of becoming a professional hero. Don't forget that you guys, or you can wander off."

"Yes, ma'am—"

The class was interrupted when a portal suddenly opened in the middle of the USJ. Dozens of lower ranked villains began to pour out from the large portal and two main villains stepped out in particular as Aizawa grit his teeth.

"Tomura, we are here." Kurogiri said.

"Yeah, I know that already." Tomura said, scratching at his neck as the creature known as a Nomu stomped out from the portal. "You go ahead and teleport—oh, there he is..."

Tomura eyed you in particular as Class 1-A looked at you as well. You gasped, seeing the horrible wrinkles behind the hand on his face. You didn't hesitate as you took out the sword from your red case and held it out in front of you.

Tomura only grinned as he kept his eye on you, before he raised a wrinkled finger towards you amongst the crowd of students. You could tell that the wrinkles were not due to age, but had something to do with his Quirk.

"Who is this guy...?" You asked.

"...I found you."

End of Chapter

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