If only

42 4 5

"Am I crazy maybe we could happen"

Millie walked about the dressing room like she usually does.


About girls.


A girl.

In the other dressing room.

It was incredibly wrong for her to feel the lust she did for the woman.

Yet she felt it anyway.

It was hard to look at her and not want to kiss her.

But she kept her cool.

Until the investigator realised.

See when aimie was bored.

She'd try and involve herself in other people's love life's.

Or play matchmaker.

To be fair though.

She probably should pay attention to her own rather than others.

But if aimies bored.

There's nothing you can do to stop her digging.

Aimie had caught on to millies meaningful looks.

Her sense of awkwardness when she was near.

And millies pacing up and down her dressing room.

Only then you know somethings actually up.

So aimie being bored.

Went to investigate.

See aimie isn't even k Howard anymore

Toby and Lucy thought it best to promote her.

She now just sings the songs in the show but her actual job Is to figure out what's going on in everyone's lives.

She Is on better pay to be fair.

"Mills" aimie asked seriously

"What" millie answered cautiously

"What's wrong" aimie replied

"Nothing" Millie muttered

"Yes there is I can tell" aimie pressed.

"No there's not" millie replied becoming increasingly annoyed

"Mills yes there is I know you" aimie Says.

"No there is... fine" millie started.

"Go on babe I've got until wig prep" aimie replied

"I like someone" millie continues to which aimie raised her eyebrow knowingly

"Mhm" aimie hummed

"But I don't think she likes me like that, I'm scared she sees me as immature and more like a sister" millie finished

"She doesn't " aimie calmly spoke

"What" millie exclaimed

"I know she doesn't Mills she's told me herself as much, she loves you Mills really" aimie answered

"Really" millie pouted

"Listen I promise now make your move if you dont do it now I know you never will" aimie persuaded millie.

"OK fine I'm doing this" millie breathed in anxiously walking to the dressing room next door.

She swung the door open with ease.

And in the most unconventional way she confessed her love.

"Um I love you natalie" millie started to which the blonde smiled

" I'm in love with you nat" millie continued

"Am I crazy in thinking we could happen yeah I am but here I am anyway" millie carried on

"All I've been thinking of Is if only I could be Natalie's girl and I was scared that you didn't want Me so I never tried I never said anything.

"Just shut up and kiss me " Natalie said

So they did.

They're lips touched in an elegant embrace and the two shared what we would call a true loves kiss.

"You were always my girl millie o'connell" natalie finished wrapping her arms around millie

Aimie knew her work was done

Another successful match made in heaven with her prompt.

A/N part 40 guys hehe

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