Tsuki: "Father, what are we doing here?"

Sukuna: "You wanted to learn the Reverse Cursed Technique. You may use this whore as a test dummy since I doubt you would want to use animals as test dummies."

Tsuki's eyes widened as she looked at her father amazed while Kyoto looked at her daughter shocked and worried. She had known her daughter would hate her for giving her away and taking her from her father. She wishes that she had sent her child out of the village, so far away that Sukuna wouldn't have found her. Tsuki looked over at the older woman and slowly walked over to her. She noticed the purple spots on her proclin skin.

Tsuki: "She's poisoned?"

Sukuna: "Yes, it appears that she got into another fight with one of the other whores and they tried to kill her."

Tsuki looked at her father in disbelief before looking back at her mother.

Sukuna: "All you need to do is place your hand on the whore, and multiply two negative sources of cursed energy. This will result in a form of energy that creates rather than destroys."

Tsuki looked at her father shocked, but nodded her head. She looked back over at Kyoto, who looked at her daughter with fear in her eyes. If Tsuki gets this wrong, there is no telling if it will spread the poison. Tsuki raised her hand above Kyoto's arm, right where the poison was. She closed her eyes and focused hard on the two negative sources of her cursed energy, just as her father instructed her to do. Sukuna stood there for a moment, knowing that this wasn't going to work on the first try, but his eyes widened as he watched as the purple spots on Kyoto's arm disappeared and completely healed. He felt a sense of pride, knowing that it was HIS child who managed to learn the Reverse Cursed technique in a matter of SECONDS! Tsuki opened her eyes and looked down at Kyoto's arm to see that she was healed from the poison. She lets out a happy cheer before whipping around to look at her father amazed. 

Tsuki: "Father, I did it!"

Sukuna smiled and nodded his head. His daughter ran over to him and wrapped her arms around him, making sure not to hurt the bird in her hand. 

Sukuna: "You did it, my little blessing. Do you want to try it on the bird now?"

Tsuki grinned and nodded her head. She detached from her father, though he didn't want to let her go. She hovered her hand above the small bird and closed her eyes. Focusing on the same thing she just did to her mother. Sukuna watches as his daughter's hand glows, the wound on the bird heals, and the small creature comes back to life. Tsuki opened her eyes as she heard the bird chirping. She smiled brightly in happiness.

Tsuki: "The bird is fine! Look, father, I did it! Aren't I amazing!?"

Sukuna chuckled and nodded his head. He grabs his daughter's hand.

Sukuna: "Let's go out and let it fly away, my blessing."

Tsuki giggled and nodded her head. They leave the infirmary, leaving the poor old lady to wallow in her disbear and grief. The father and daughter reach the garden and they stand outside. The other concubines that were outside looked over at them, a little frightened by the sight of the king of curses. They all knew not to mess with that man or his daughter. The women still couldn't believe that Kyoto had gotten pregnant and hid the child away from the king of curses. Tsuki held out her hands before throwing the bird into the air. She watched as it flapped its wings and flew off. She smiled softly as she looked up at the sky. Once the bird was out of sight, she ran over to the ladies. While sure, Tsuki hates humans, the concubines are like sisters to her. She started showing off to them what she just learned and Sukuna watched from afar.

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