Chapter Three

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There she is, dancing with a random woman because she hasn't seen her face just yet, the woman's hands grip Isabel's waist, her body tingles as she feels the woman's warm breath on her neck.

Open mouthed kisses are placed on Isabel's neck and her body shudders, the woman's hands hold her steady as she bites her earlobe before whispering. "Let's go somewhere more private darling."

Isabel's eyes widen, her voice sounds way too familiar, with one swift motion she turns around coming face to face with Ms. Gordon. The redhead's eyes widen realizing what she had done.

"Isabel?" The young girl stays silent just staring at the redhead, she's wearing a red dress that shows all her curves, Isabel's eyes fall on her cleavage. Oh god.

"Ms. Gordon?" Isabel questions back in the same tone, the redhead realizes her hands are still on her student's waist and she immediately pulls them away, creating a distance between them.

"I am sorry, I had no idea it was you." The redhead apologizes and quickly dissappears through the people in the bar, leaving Isabel behind not knowing what to do.

Her teacher had literally kissed her neck, the sweetness of her lips was still there and Isabel couldn't shrug it off, her hand moves up to where the redhead had kissed her and she finds herself smiling widely.

She walks up to Aria who's making out with her boyfriend, tapping on her back Aria turns around, her lips swollen and a questioning look on her face. "I'm leaving, can Justin take you home?" Aria nods and kisses her best friend's cheek, Isabel quickly wipes it off not wanting Justin's saliva on her cheek.

Getting in her car all she can think about is the redhead, the way her lips felt around her neck she couldn't help but wonder how they'd feel on her lips, she feels an attraction growing towards her teacher and she really shouldn't.

The next morning, Isabel wakes up to her phone ringing on a Sunday morning which makes her groan, it's Aria. "Hey, what's up?" sniffles can be heard from the other line and Isabel jumps up in her bed. 

"Aria, why are you crying? What happened?" Aria taking a deep breath can be heard on the phone which only makes Isabel more worried.

"Justin and I... w-we crashed." Isabel's face falls and she becomes pale. "You're okay right?" Aria nods as if Isabel could see her. "Justin.. h-he's badly hurt."

Isabel gets up rushing to the closet to change out of her pjs. "Where are you?" After Aria tells her friend which hospital they're in, Isabel quickly gets dressed and drives to the hospital instantly.

Seeing Aria in such bad state made Isabel's heart ache. "Aria." Isabel hugs her tightly seeing just a few scratches on her nest friend.

"How did it happen?" Aria keeps sobbing trying to explain. "He was drunk." She admits and Isabel clenches her jaw.

"Hey, look at me." Isabel wipes Aria's tears and kisses her forehead. "He will be okay, he's a strong guy."

After hours of surgery the doctor walks outside taking off his mask. "We did everything we could, now all we can do is wait."

Aria breaks down in her best friend's arms, Isabel can only hold her having no idea of what to do.

Both girls spend their day pacing around the hospital hoping that Justin will get over this adventure and wake up, Isabel really hoped for it, if Aria loses him she'll be devasted.

Even through this, Isabel's mind still lingered on her professor's touch, the way her hands held her waist, her lips on her neck, god she'd do anything just to feel them again.

Isabel's eyes fall on Justin's mom, that poor woman sitting there with Aria, Justin's dad took off when he was born leaving them all alone. 

Looking through the window, Isabel notices that Justin's eyes are open. "He's awake!" Both Aria and his mom jump up rushing in the room, with Isabel silently watching them.

Walking outside, she takes a deep breath and looks around spotting a blue car that looks really familiar yet she can't tell where she knows it from exactly.

Turning around she bumps into someone dropping their bag on the ground, Isabel quickly leans down grabbing the bag. "I'm so sorr-" Her voice trails of when she looks up meeting the eyes of her professor.


"It's fine." The redhead mumbles and takes her bag from Isabel's hands, their fingers brushing against eachother, Isabel gulps and stares at her teacher's blue eyes. "Are you uh okay?"

The redhead frowns. "You were coming out of a hospital" Isabel states the obvious making the redhead nod. "Just a few check ups." There's a weird tension in the air.

"What about you?" Ms. Gordon asks and Isabel rubs the back of her neck. "My friend was in a car accident, he's good now." The redhead pats Isabel's shoulder.

"About last night.." Isabel starts off and Ms. Gordon immediately pulls her hand from Isabel's shoulder. "Let's just forget it, I didn't realize who I was touching." The redhead looks down at her watch and sighs. "I'll see you tomorrow Isabel."

The way she said her name made Isabel feel weak. "See you ma'am" The redhead nods and gets in her car driving away.


Short one, i was really bored.

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