Chapter nine

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The next morning at school, unable to face the reality of her situation, Isabel avoids class, seeking solace in old habits.

Isabel sat outside, huddled close to Veronica. Smoke curled lazily into the air, obscuring their surroundings

"How are you holding up?" Veronica asked tentatively, placing a hand around Isabel's shoulders.

Isabel shook her head. "I don't know anymore," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Isabel smoked listlessly, staring at the ground. Her thoughts swirled with confusion and longing.

What had happened between her and Ms. Gordon? How could she desire someone who controlled her so utterly?

Realizing their lack of emotional connection with Veronica, Isabel feels isolated and alone in her turmoil, struggling to navigate complex feelings.

A knot formed in Isabel's stomach as she acknowledged the truth. Veronica was simply a means to an end, not a confidante.

Aria was gone too, Isabel literally has no one that she can truly trust.

She felt adrift, drifting further from everyone including Veronica. Yet, she yearned for something deeper - someone to understand.

Someone like Ms. Gordon, perhaps? No, that was absurd! She pushed the thought aside, shaking her head.

Her life had become a tangled mess of desire and deceit, leaving her questioning everything she believed in.

The bell rang, jolting Isabel out of her reverie. She stood up, brushing off her clothes. "I have P.E now." Isabel tells Veronica before walking away.

Isabel entered the gym, relieved to find some semblance of normalcy. Sweat and sporting equipment filled the air.

P.E. was always predictable, a welcome respite from her chaotic life. Maybe today would be different after all.

Isabel sits down in a corner by herself watching her classmates playing or sitting in groups talking.

She spots Aria leaning against the wall taking on the phone with someone, it looks heated but Isabel shrugs, not friends anymore, she reminds herself.

Ms. Gordon appeared unexpectedly, her demeanor icy and commanding. She spoke briefly with the P.E. teacher before approaching Isabel, gripping her arm firmly.

Isabel's heart skipped a beat, her nerves on edge. What did she want now? Hadn't she caused enough trouble already?

"Walk with me," Ms. Gordon demanded, not giving Isabel a choice. Resigned, Isabel followed, her mind racing with questions. What fresh hell awaited her now?

Isabel couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "Where are we going?" she asked nervously, tugging gently on the redhead's arm.

Isabel swallowed hard, her heart pounding faster. Whatever lay ahead, she braced herself for another round of manipulation.

Without a word, Ms. Gordon pushed Isabel into an emptyclassroom, closing the door firmly behind her.

Isabel stumbled, catching herself on the desk. Her heart hammered in her chest, fear and anticipation swirling within her.

"What do you want?" she dared to ask, defiance mixing with desire, looking up to the redhead's piercing blue eyes.

Ms. Gordon moved closer, her eyes gleaming with intensity. "I want you," she whispered hoarsely. "All of you."

Isabel's knees weakened, her breath escaping in short gasps. She'd expected power plays, manipulation, but not this raw, animalistic desire.

"Why?" she managed to ask, her voice barely above a whisper, why would this goddess want to be with her student?

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 10 ⏰

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