Camp Half Blood

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(Hey guys. So sorry for the delay, but thank you all so much for sticking around and I hope that it's been worth the wait. And sorry if my descriptions are crappy. I'm not the best at descriptions. Hope you guys like it. If not, then I'm sorry. And for the record, it is currently 10:54, Wednesday evening for me. Just throwing it out there. Anyways, enjoy.)

The movie started up again and showed the inside of an old-fashioned make-shift hospital, with wooden pilars and fabric walls, even some lit lanterns were seen. In the middle of the hospital was an open space, kind of like an open hallway, and placed on each side of the hallway, was a row of beds.

No one spoke as they searched the screen for Percy.

Three boys in particular were each close to a heart attack or two, as they were desperate to find out what had happened to their soulmate.

The three were practically strangling each other's hands, as they clung onto one another.

Two people walked in and carried another person on a stretcher and walked towards one of the available beds.

A woman walked away from a teenage boy, holding a bowl with some kind of paste and a spoon in it.

Further away, we see a man walking with a wooden trolley/cart as he walked further into the background.

Some of the other people in the hospital, were tending to their injuries and resting.

The camera moved over towards the right side of the hospital, where we see an unconscious Percy lying in one of the beds.

Most let out sighs of relief, seeing the girl safe and sound.

But three just wanted her to open her eyes, and to be all right.

The camera moved closer up to Percy's face as she scrunched her face, and began to rapidly blinking her eyes, trying to wake herself up.

Reaching up with her left hand, she rubbed her eyes with one finger on each eye.

At the sight of the girl's movement, the boys' breathing and heartbeat started to slow down, but they couldn't wait to see her eyes.

GROVER: (Off-screen) Perce. I'm sure glad you're alive.

Percy removed her hand from her face and  blinked her eyes again, trying to focus her vision a bit as she looked at Grover, whom was standing at the foot of the hospital bed.

"Oh, thank god." The trio breathed out in relief, as did many of the people around them, even if none of them noticed.

Grover moved to stand a bit more upright, and it was revealed that he was wearing some kind of leather bodice with straps, and a dagger attached to a one-shoulder leather strap.

Percy moved to sit up, but winced in pain, as she grabbed her right shoulder.

The look on Percy's face sent the boys into worried frenzies, keeping their eyes on the screen while also keeping a tight hold of each other, yet no one spoke.

Janson and Teresa rolled their eyes, thinking the boys were being over dramatic.

Ava chose to do nothing but observe the movie and the people in the room.

PERCY: Ow! Oh.

Percy winced again and looked around at her surroundings.

She saw someone getting their leg wrapped up in gauze, and then she saw someone dubbing a rag-like sponge onto the forehead of another person.

Watching The Movies: Fem!Percy Jackson and The Maze Runner - A Soulmate StoryWhere stories live. Discover now