Bringing everyone together: New Version

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3rd POV:

Some believed that finding your soulmate was the most amazing thing in the world.

That you would have to be pretty lucky to even have one, and then never meet them.

Others believed that soulmates were only a cause for pain and grief.

And at this very moment, some of the people with soulmates, standing in the destroyed camp of The Right Arm, were not quite sure what to believe.

Harriet felt destroyed that she had lost her soulmate, Aris, to WICKED yet again, and felt the overwhelming need to hunt every single member of them down and kill them all.

Minho and Sonya had both been taking by WICKED, and everyone silently prayed that they would be okay and together, but knowing WICKED, they might not be that lucky at all.

Brenda and Frypan was just happy that both of them were alive and in the same place and that Frypan was not in the hands of WICKED.

The hit the Right Arm had taken by their surprise attack from WICKED had almost broken the people left behind.

WICKED might have won the battle, but the survivors had decided that they would do anything in their power to win this war and fight back against them.

The remaining people from the Maze Trials, but most specifically the Gladers, were more than hurt and pissed off at Teressa's betrayal.

She was in the Maze herself, granted only for a short while, but she had seen and experienced it, so why, just why, had she decided to rat them out to WICKED?

They didn't know, and to be honest, at the moment they were way to pissed off to care.

But despite it all, Thomas didn't give up.

He had given the remaining survivors a very inspirational speech, and that speech had filled them all with hope and a thirst for revenge.

The people that had been left alive, after WICKED had left and had taken all the immunes they could get their hands on, worked on gathering all the remaining usable stuff like clothes, weapons, food, water.

Basically, anything they could find in the destroyed camp.

They had covered their dead with whatever cloths they had available.

Meanwhile, Thomas tried to work out a plan to get Minho (and the others) back from WICKED and kill Ava Paige in the process.

Just like he had promised the survivors out loud.

But when Vince asked Thomas about what his plan was, Thomas looked around at nothing and no one in particular, but the determination was all over his face.

"I don't have a plan at the moment, but I know that we'll all come up with one." Thomas said, making the others sigh.

They were filled with hope and yet they still couldn't help but feel defeated at Thomas' statement.

"Hey, having no plan to begin with is what let us to escape WICKED and come here in the first place." Newt said, defending his soulmate.

"That is true." Frypan nodded his head in support.

"Seriously?" Vince asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah." All three Gladers said.

Harriet, Brenda, Vince and Jorge just stared at them, no sure how to process that particular piece of information.

Thomas sat back down on the large rock he had been standing on, and looked down at his right arm and rolled up his jacket and shirt sleeves to reveal the black letters written on his wrist:

Watching The Movies: Fem!Percy Jackson and The Maze Runner - A Soulmate StoryWhere stories live. Discover now