"Love we didnt mean for you to hear like this, just have a seat and calm down" my mum says as she comes to hold me and take me to a nearby seat.

"Look, the truth is.... When your dad and I got married we tried to have kids for the first 6 years but we couldn't. Your birth mum died during labour but the doctors were able to save you. Your birth dad left your mum when he found out she was pregnant. So we decided to adopt you and give you a life you deserved.

We have always considered and seen you as our own child, we've never thought otherwise of your dad and I love you so much but this blow would have been too big to tell you while you were younger.

We decided to tell you on your 20th birthday but we just couldn't bring ourselves to do it. We are really sorry please" mum says with tears streaming down dad just looks away the whole time.

"Is this why it was so easy for you to marry me off to settle your debt, because I'm not your own blood you could easily forget me right?" I sob and get up to leave.

"It was never like that, the debt wasn't the only thing...... I made a promise to Liam's grand dad that I would marry off my first daughter into his family so we could become in laws. His grandfather and I were glued by the hip but he died and I had to fulfil the promise." dad says looking at me for the first time in this conversation.

It was a lot to process so I just left the room , I rushed to the bathroom in my room and cried my heart out. Thankfully I think Liam has already left for work, I just wanted to be alone.

I hear footsteps in my room and I leave the bathroom to check it out. It's the doctor.

"Hello Amaya I came here to discharge you, your husband has already signed the forms.... He went to get the medicines that were prescribed for you. Make sure to get enough rest okay." she says with a little smile and leaves the room.

Liam walks in shortly and looks at me confused. I'm sure it's because my eyes are red and puffy, from crying so much.

"Hey are you okay whats wrong?" he asks, putting the medicine down and coming towards me.

"Nothing i'm fine, I just watched something that made me sad" I lied and I knew he could see right through it.

"No, what really happened?" he asks and I just get agitated. "Just leave alone would you? '' I say annoyed and I leave the room to go to the entrance of the hospital where Liam's driver is waiting to take us back home.

I enter the car and I spot liam coming towards the car through my side eye. He enters the car and hands me my medicine.I can feel that he's being careful not to get me more upset.

When we get back just go upstairs to my room and sit in silence for a while.

Then there's a knock on my door.

"Amaya open the door.....there's something important i have to tell you" liam says.

I get up and unlock the door. "There's a gala we have to attend tomorrow" he says in a business tone , i just nod and i'm about to close the door but he pushes it open and enters the room.

"What do you want?" I ask while trying to get him to leave. "I wont leave till you tell me what's wrong" he says

"Really then you'll be here all day" I say smugly and I wriggle into the comfort of my duvet.

"Sure we can do a lot of things, i even cancelled all my meetings" he says while coming to my bed.

"Hey move away from the bed" I shouted. "What if I'm going to be here all day? I might as well get accustomed to the bed," Liam says.

Suddenly my thoughts fly into the gutter but I restrain myself. "Fine, I'll tell you. Not because I want to but because I want you out of my room asap" with that even thing just poured out.

I cry in the process but he comforts me and soon I fall asleep.

I feel a hard but soft thing beneath my palm and my pillow is resting in the crook of my neck breathing? Wait pillows don't breathe do they.

I open my eyes to find liam on my bed holding me in his arms and sleeping.

I almost scream but instead I try to get out of his hold.

Buti move too much and he ends up waking up. "Hey" he says, his voice raspy from sleep.

"Uhh...." I'm completely speechless. I just admire his face. I'm supposed to get him off me.

"Take a picture it lasts longer" he says "cocky jerk" i whisper to myself.

"Hmm" I snap my head back as someone clears their throat from the door.

"Derek the fuck you doing in my house" liam says getting up and walking towards Derek.

"My bad i didn't know you were going to be occupied" he says smirking at liam and i .

I blush at the thought of liam and i sleeping together but i shake it off

I get up and leave the room. I feel hungry so I rush downstairs to eat something that's not porridge.

The maid is not here today so i just fixed a sandwich for myself, i put it on a plate and headed to the living room to watch some netflix.

The doorbell rings and I get up to answer it. I open the door and there's a beautiful girl around my age standing outside, looking like she owns the place.


Hmm who is this girl? And what does she want?🧐

Find out in the next chapter.😋

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Have a nice day. 😁



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