Chapter 2.

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"Aiden Lancaster, this is Captain Llewyn Hawthorne who's incharge of the new recruits. You'll be sharing training duties." Prince Basil smiled, "I'm sure you've already met Captain Dexter." Llewyn remained quiet. Prince Basil continued his hands clasped behind his back. "I heard you used to train together with Captain Llewyn." Prince Basil patted the only omega in the room on the shoulder. "I'll leave you two to it. And Captain Dexter I will discuss the knight examination details with you now." "Yes your Royal Highness." The three academy instructors bowed and chorused as the prince strode out the room with his guard following close. Dexter excused himself from the room to collect his scrolls.

Silence and tension hung in the air. Llewyn forced himself to calm down. His heart was beating unnaturally fast. He hadn't felt this nervous when he had to take on the golden dragon or the three-headed serpent. In fact he'd rather fight a million of them than confront the irresistibly handsome alpha in front of him but unfortunately duty called.

Llewyn turned to face the open doors of the giant room. "I'm sure you don't need me to show you around. I'll see you at the training grounds." He started to walk. He needed to get away from those pheromones or the resolve he had build up would have been for nothing. "Leaving so soon, sunshine?" A soft hand, unlike his own rough hands, held his forearm. Llewyn took a deep breath. He yanked his hand out of the other's loose grip. "I'll meet you at the grounds Captain Aiden." Llewyn didn't notice how hard he was gripping his sword's hilt.

"Did you see the new captain?"

"How could you not see him! He is so captivating. If I'm lucky he might be unmated."

"Like you could have a chance. Anyway I think our captain is much more handsome. Have you seen his muscles?"

"I heard the new captain will teach us how to use our core magic? Does that mean we'll finally get to see some real magic?"

"Magic is such a bore! I'd rather see some real sword fighting!"

"You're just a muscle head. But I would like to see the captains do a demonstration together."

"Think captain will agree to that?"

"Are you crazy! He would make us clean the dragon dens if we asked him!"

"I heard the dragons can transform into people. I bet they're gorgeous."

"Is that all you think of? I'd rather see the captain fighting a dragon. Oh I would clean a hundred dragon dens to see that."

"We all know you'd sell your soul for the captain to-"

"I see that you all must have perfected your forms. Good, I'll be assessing you now." A loud voice interrupted the students gossip midst practice.

Some of them almost dropped their swords and others pretended as if they had been practicing for days. They turned to see their captain followed by a tall dark robbed man with a domineering presence. His eyes were as green as the scales of the poisonous emerald snake and his stoic face didn't help lighten his image. Somehow he didn't feel like one of the knights but far more sinister like a mage or sorcerer.

"This is Captain Aiden Lancaster. He will be teaching you how to control and use your core magic. This will be your first lesson with him." The students released a collective sigh. "After that we will have the assessments." The initial sigh of relief turned into groans and moans but it took only one look from Llewyn for everyone to be quieter than a mouse. Aiden suppressed his laugh and straightened himself to start the lesson.

"I see you are all new recruits so it's better to go over the basics. You might be aware that there are two types of magic. Core magic and Article magic. Everyone has core magic and depending on its strength you can exercise other types of magic. The core magic you possess can be elemental or non-elemental or both. In addition, certain artifacts, medals, items etc have article magic but they can only be unlocked by those with a high aptitude for using core magic." Aiden whisked his hand and a small flower pot glowing green appeared in front of him.

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