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would you guys be okay if I added a few new characters to this fic?

if you're following me on here, instagram or tiktok, you might know that i have a couple new fanfics for manifest in the works.

the main three are; turbulence, take off and haunted.

in these fics i have a bunch of new characters, most who are related to canon characters. my new character are;

asa tehrani (eagan's younger brother, non-passenger, 18-20, olive's li)

betty stone (michaela and ben's cousin, 24ish, non-passenger, eagan/oc's li)

ananya bahl (saanvi's sister, 17, passenger, tj's li)

des bahl (saanvi's brother, 17, non-passenger, no li)

sofia vasquez (jared's sister, 30, non-passenger, michaela's li)

anyways, would y'all be okay with these characters being in this book? (only as minor characters)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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